Chapter 5- The competition

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Y/N's POV-

Our eyes instantly look towards the doors, seeing Wanda I smile big.

Natasha on the other hand just cocks her eyebrow up at her looking unamused.

"Hey guys, Cap told me you were both in here. How's training going?" Wanda asks walking over to us at the ring.

I open my mouth but Natasha starts talking "We've not actually stared yet." She sounds annoyed  "What do you want Wanda?" my eyes bouncing between the two of them.

Wanda looks a bit taken a back by the way Natasha speaks to her but straightens herself up. "I was actually just going to ask Y/N if she wants to make dinner with me tonight." She smiles at me then back to Natasha "I said I was going to teach her a few things." She winks at me.

I look at Natasha who is staring straight at me, she tilts her head. Fuck why do I feel like I'm in trouble? Catching Wanda's eyes I nod "Yeah, yes, that sounds good I can't promise I wont set fire to the kitchen though." I laugh clearly trying to use humour to lighten the mood.

Smiling up at me "I'll keep a close eye on you and make sure that doesn't happen." Her voice is playful "See you later Y/N" She pivots and begins to walk away "Bye Natasha, I'll see you for dinner." her voice sounds almost sassy.

We watch her leave, I look at Natasha who's emotions are stone, I playfully push my hand out like I'm going to tap her, before I know what's happening Natasha grabs my arm and throws me down on the mat my back hits the matt with a thud.

She climbs on top of me straddling my hips, the air in my lungs is none existent. She grabs my hands and pins them above my head.

I try to talk between gasps and coughs "OW!"  *Cough* "Was that-" *Gasp* "Was that really necessary?"

Giving me a second to catch my breath I notice she's looking between my eyes and our bodies that are flush together. Her breathing is deep, shallow and slow, I can feel her eyes dragging across my body as if she is touching me. Our faces are close, our rugged breathing mixing together she moves slightly closer.

Something clicks in her eyes I see it and she pulls back every so slightly.

"It was completely necessary, we are training after all Y/N." Her voice is soft and smooth like velvet.

I let out a little laugh, "Training huh? I think you just wanted an excuse to get on top..." I raise my eyebrow as a challenge, "I mean, you could of just asked Natasha" I say her name slow.

She hums in reply and moves her face closer to mind once again. Oh this is going to be fun. She smirks at me, letting go of my hands she leans back on her knees.

What the fuck? I sit up on my elbows.

"Right, well. That's enough of that." She straightens out her shirt. "You can do some laps now." She stands up from me, and walks over to the ropes getting out of the ring.

I look over my shoulder watching her go "Where are you going?" Recieving no reply I jump up and walk over to the ropes watching her walk away "Are you going for a cold shower Natasha?" I shout after her.

"Laps now Y/N!"

I let out a loud laugh, climbing out of the ring I start running.


After a horrible morning of doing what easily felt like a thousand laps, I go for a shower and relaxing until the afternoon with Wanda.

Arriving in the kitchen she's already getting things set up.

"Hey, I am ready to learn" I clap my hands together. "Where do you want me?"

Smiling at me she leads me to a chopping board with vegetables on it, "You're in charge of peeling and chopping."

I playfully salute her and she gets to work behind me.

*Some time later*

"Why is it so much effort to cook..." I whine, I've been stood here for ages.

Wanda laughs "You've literally peeled " looks at my chopping board "3 carrots which has taken you" looks at the clock in the kitchen "20 minuets."

My mouth drops open. "I haven't just peeled them, I have also chopped them." I defend.

"I've done everything else, I honestly thought you would of been faster at peeling." she states as a matter of fact.

"Hey this is harder than it look ok? I am used to using knives for very different reasons."

"If you say so" she smiles at me "You're doing good, come here." She wiggles her fingers glowing red again all of the unpeeled vegetables peel and chop in mid air as they float over and long in the stew pot in front of her.

I follow every move with my eyes, my brows crash together "Oh come on! you could of done that the whole time?" I stomp over to her as she laughs at me. "Why didn't you just do that in the first place?"

"What would of been the fun in that?" she teases. Grasping my wrist in her hand she pulls me in front of her, then leans over me to grab a spoon. Scooping up some of the stew up on the spoon "here try this" She blows on it lightly then puts it towards my mouth.

I lean forward putting the spoon in my mouth letting the juices attack my taste buds. I moan as she pulls the spoon out of my mouth, leaning my head back humming. "Well that was an interesting noise" She mutters under her breath

"Damn... that's wow. You can really cook!"

She's smiling at me, I feel her hand reach up and her thumb move across the side of my mouth. "You missed some." She instantly puts the thumb in her mouth and sucks off the juices.

My eyes go wide.

"Mmm, This is definitely one of the best ones I've made."

I realise we are both still stood very close together and step back clearing my throat a little. "I clearly take full credit then, must of been those 3 carrots I put in" I shrug playing it off "What can I say, I'm clearly an expert."

Letting out a laugh "Well of course, all credit goes to the carrots, how silly of me."  She picks up a few stray peelings and throws them at me, I"m able to catch some and throw them back at her.

"You both look like you're having fun." Natasha's voice appears catching our attention. She walks in and sits opposite us putting her elbows on the counter.

I haven't taken my eyes off of Natasha since she came in "Yeah, what can I say I'm a natural."

Wanda pushes my arm playfully and I see Natasha look away her jaw clenching. "I can tell." After a few moments of quiet "You know, I can cook too...Maybe I could teach you a few things in the kitchen too."

I tilt my head looking at her, Is that the green eye monster I see again?

"I  didn't know you could cook Nat." Wanda speaks up, I look at her "how about you make lunch for everyone tomorrow, I'd love to see what you can come up with then the team can choose who's the better cook." She takes a sip of her drink "Bit of friendly competition would be fun."

Natasha huffs, I don't dare say a word.

"That sounds great actually Wanda. I would love to, as long as Y/N agrees to help me too." She raises her eyebrow looking at me.

"Yeah, for sure. I'd like that..." I nod smiling.

"Good." She stands up and storms out of the kitchen without another word.

"Now we just have to wait for a bit and it will be done." Wanda chimes up noticing I was still looking in the direction that Natasha left.

"Cool, cool. I can't wait." Dragging my eyes back to her once the firey red head is out of sight. 

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now