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'Alarm goes off at seven thirty every morning meaning that I have to get up? Yes, I have to get up and go to the bathroom and shower.' Louis told himself but kept his eyes open staring at the ceiling listening to his boyfriend snore next to him.

'Alarm goes off at seven thirty every morning, then what? I eat?' Louis looked to his left staring at Harry who was on his side facing Louis passed out from the day they had.

Louis and Harry just moved into their apartment today, they spent the most of the day unpacking and moving furniture around. It was tiresome but it kept Louis mind at peace. Harry did the kitchen while Louis did the living room. To Harry it more so Louis doesn't place something somewhere and forget it then make Harry go on a goose chase trying to find it.

He remembers when Louis put all of the spoons in his old apartment in the cups in the cupboard once, Harry spent an hour looking for them because Louis forgets where he put them. He even forgets that he did that in the first place.

"Louis, why aren't you asleep?" Louis jumped and looked to Harry confused.

'Why wasn't he asleep?' Louis shrugged looking away blushing.

"Questions again?" Louis nodded his mind filling with more by the second.

"What time does our alarm go off again?" Louis asked now completely forgetting because his mind wandered off the subject.

"Seven thirty every morning Lou. Now please get some sleep." Louis nodded turning on his side his back facing Harry waiting for Harry to wrap his arms around him.


"Good morning Harry, hows Louis first night in the new apartment?" Harry groaned eyes widening.

"were gonna practice him leaving the apartment and coming back after work, I will show him which way and then he will show me the way and soon enough if we ever reach I will see if he can do it on his own." Niall nodded taking a bread bun out of the display case.

"I bet he will get there if not I believe he will get there soon. Just like how soon our fucking customers will get here! Hello were fucking open! Buy our food!" Niall groaned laying his head on the counter staring at the door.

"We just opened like ten minutes ago Ni, we have to wait for people to leave their houses and decide if they want to get a coffee and possibly a breakfast bun." Niall rolled his eyes at the cheesiness in Harry's voice.

"So is Louis gonna get a job as well or is he gonna be the housewife with no kids or is there kids in your future with him?" Harry's thoughts began to think about it.

'Does he want Louis to be his housewife? He doesn't want keep Louis leashed forever but like does he want to marry him? Yes does he want kids with him? Yes, is it physically possible to have children with him? No, we have to adopt or get a surrogate.' Harry turned to Niall and shrugged at his answer.

"I honestly don't know. Were taking everything a step a day at the moment. I just want to help him get things all set and in order, so everything is easier for him." Niall nodded understanding where his best friend was coming from.

Louis used to be Niall's best friend until he fell ill and had to be staying in the hospital for a couple of months, he never saw his friends, only his boyfriend, and family. The longtime he was away from seeing his friend his memory of him disappeared.




"Your friend is coming over today to see you. I know you haven't seen him in a long time but he's very happy to see you again." Louis looked at his mother confused.

'I don't have any friends. Who is my friend?' Lottie opened the door leading Niall to Louis.

"Well don't be so shy Lou, say hi to Niall." Louis shook his head.

"I don't know this guy Lottie." Niall felt his heartbreak at hearing that.

Louis left to his room feeling uncomfortable around the stranger.

"His dementia Niall. The doctor told us that he would tend to forget a lot of things because of him being away for so long. I'm sorry. If I knew that he would forget you I would have tried to keep you in contact with him." Niall nodded sadly.

"Its okay, I have Harry and Liam and Zayn its okay." Lottie nodded leading Niall out upset that she possibly ruined the only chance of having a new friendship with Louis.


end of flashback


"Do you want to come by after work today? You haven't spoken to him since he said he didn't know you." Niall shook his head.

"No, I have a date tonight I wanna prepare since I'm making dinner." It was difficult for Niall, he so badly wanted his best friend back but that was gone.

Only Niall had those memories of the nights Louis would sleep over and they would stay up watching corny movies and making fun of the actors, many more memories that only Niall had.


Harry just got home from work and was ready to just pass out on bed. His back hurt from bending down and taking orders and giving people their food. Once rush hour hit they got slammed with people. People wanting to eat inside, outside, some just wanting to take their food and leave. It was horrible, running inside, outside, he even spilled tea on himself twice.

"Louis?" Harry called setting his coat on the coatrack.

"Louis?" Harry looked in the living room not seeing Louis anywhere and got worried till he heard the toilet flush and the water turns on.

Harry wandered into the kitchen checking through the drawers for anything to be misplaced satisfied when nothing was gone or something placed where it wasn't placed before until Harry saw something in the oven. Opening the oven Harry found a plate of chips.

"Louis why is there a plate of chips in the oven?" Louis walked in the kitchen and shrugged.

"I don't know, I probably made a plate and forget it." Harry sighed taking it out and putting it in the fridge.

Dinner for tonight because Harry was too exhausted to cook tonight.

"Can I make dinner tonight?" Louis asked watching Harry trudged up the stairs slowly taking his clothes off.

"Get me when you're starting it." Louis smiled opening the cabinets looking for what to make.


Harry woke up smelling something, it smells good but it also smells like something was burning. Harry shot up remembering that Louis said he was gonna make dinner. Running down the stairs skidding into the kitchen.

Louis was cutting up a weird looking brownish goldish meat, it looked burnt.

"Louis, what the hell is that?" Louis held up the plate to Harry with a smile on his face.

"I think I made chicken. Can you taste test it for me?" Harry grabbed a fork off the table and cut a piece off taking a bite.

It was...good!

Harry pulled Louis to him kissing him.

"Many more of these and you can get more of this." Louis giggle placing the plate in the microwave then pulled Harry to him.

'Note to self-remind Louis that he put the plate in the microwave because he will forget about it.'

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now