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Harry was slightly disappointed in the plan they had, it was changed now. Niall wasn't coming to bring back old memories. Of course, Harry didn't know of any of the memories Niall had of him and Louis, but he did have the photos and videos that Niall sent to him at the beginning of December.

Watching them the night before didn't help Harry in the slightest. They looked good, Louis was happy in these but he could see that Niall clearly had feelings for Louis in these by just the way he captured Louis. The pictures always showed Niall looking at Louis like he was the queen of England.

Harry frowned crushing the oldest photo of Louis and Niall. Niall was hugging Louis from the back both looking at the camera with a big smile. Harry could tell that Niall was looking at Louis in the camera though, his eyes werent on the camera though, they were on Louis.

"Stupid Niall, Louis will never love you." Harry hissed crumbling the photo shoving it down the sink drain then turning the garbage disposal on.

"Harry, what is that loud noise?" Louis asked walking into the kitchen rubbing the rheum from his eyes.

Harry put on a fake smile turning around turning off the garbage disposal.

"Just the garbage don't worry about it," Harry mumbled wrapping his arms around Louis' waist nosing the top of his mop of hair.


Because of Christmas coming closer and closer, the small cafe seemed more like a tight box filled with people that just wanted to get out but there was no exit or something. Especially since Niall and Harry's relationship wasn't on good terms now, it was harder to work together now.

They both barely spoke or even looked at each other for that matter. The rest of the co-workers agreed on the fact that they could see something drastically changed between the two.

"What's wrong with them? They aren't talking or better yet fooling around like they always do. In fact, they seem slow?" Liam shrugged spoon feeding Bear some yogurt.

"As far as I know, they both got into a pretty serious fight, Niall won't even tell me about it. I know Harry gave him a pretty good beating over it though. You can't see it because he covered it makeup but Harry gave him a huge ass bruise on his face." Liam looked over to Niall who was frowning while making a coffee.

If you looked close enough you could see the makeup a bit but not fully.

"Geez makes me slightly afraid to piss him off now. I don't talk to Harry because he's way to busy with Louis but I think I can get the hint to not mess with him." Zayn nodded silently while taking a sip of his drink.

'I don't know what you two are going through but please don't hurt him anymore Harry, because I will kick your ass to the point that its nothing but a pile of ashes for my next musical sheet.'


Lottie, Felicite, Phoebe, and Daisy were thinking of a plan to set up the house for them. Louis' birthday was tomorrow and they wanted this to work but also be a blast for everyone.

"So I think the twins should take Louis to the park with Doris and Ernest, they know how to make time seem slow for anyone that is with them. You, me, and Felicite will set up the place, is your friend Niall coming or no?" Harry shook his head looking away.

"No, he won't be able to make it sorry. I don't know anyone else in Louis past." Lottie and Felicite nodded both not knowing of anyone else in Louis past too.

"He wasn't one to make friends much, Niall was his only one besides you as far as I know. Is Niall busy?" Harry nodded growing irritated with this conversation.

"Let's just forget about him, he wouldn't be of much help anyway." 'He would only try to take you away from me.'


"Why are we going to the park? The slides are all snowy and so is the swing." Louis asked holding Doris in his arms while Phoebe and Daisy walked with Ernest.

"Well we haven't been able to go anywhere lately because of school but now that we are on break we get to spend time with you now. Also, Doris and Ernest missed you a bunch." Louis nodded looking down at Doris who was passed out in his arms.

'I wonder what Harry's doing right now? Does he have work today? Harry usually tells me if he has work right? Or am I imagining that? Does Harry tell me or no?' Louis stopped walking when he felt like someone was watching him.

Turning around slowly Louis looked around not seeing anyone around till he saw someone sitting on the park bench.

"Louis stop! Your gonna make me piss myself if you keep this up!" Niall laughed in the video.

Louis was using one hand to hold the phone to record him tickling Niall to the point that he was crying.

Louis slowly walked over to the hooded person on the bench, the sound on the video becoming more clear the closer he got. When Louis was in front of him Niall looked up at Louis.

"Louis I-"

"Who are you and what makes you so damn special about me? Why do you always try to see me?" Niall could feel his heart cracking but not breaking.

"I used to be your best friend before you got sick and was sent to the hospital, I never got to visit you because I was busy with family stuff. You lost all memories of me. I still have them though. see." Niall handed his phone to Louis who took it and began to shuffle through photos and videos of him and Niall.

Louis' head began to hurt the longer he began to look at them. Handing the phone back Louis took a seat next to Niall.

"I don't know what to say, I don't remember you at a-" Louis gripped his head, it felt like someone was trying to shove a steal pipe through it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Louis couldn't tell whose voice that was, it was so fuzzy, everything was fuzzy.


Louis being the fourteen-year-old self he was didn't pay any attention to where his feet were going before he knew it he skipped a step and fell down the small flight of stairs. Everything when black but he could see and feel everything.

"Hey, are you okay?" Louis groaned and nodded one hand holding his head while a strange blonde guy helped him up.

"Uh yes, I think. I just tripped though I think I'm fine." Louis finally looked up getting a good look at the male blonde.

"I'm Niall."

End of flashback

Louis looked up eyes widened, it seemed like a flash of memories just shot right through his head.

Everything from meeting Niall to the last time he ever saw him as his friend. Louis fell to the floor clutching his head crying out in pain. His head felt like it was gonna explode.

"Louis! Oh my god shit!" Niall got down next to Louis rubbing his back as Louis whithered in pain clutching his head.

Taking out his phone Niall called Harry.

"What is it, Niall? I'm kind of busy right now." Niall rolled his eyes at the tone Harry had with him, it was always gonna be like this now that he admitted that he had feelings for Louis.

"Its Louis, I think he's having a panic attack, I don't know. He started freaking out and won't get up. Please just come here now. I'm at the park about four miles from my place." Harry hung up before Niall could say anything else.

'Niall, what the hell did you do to him? I swear to god if you hurt him I will kill you. I don't give a shit if I go to jail for it.'

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