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Harry was at Louis side in an instant, and by that, he had pushed Niall away pretty forcefully. Harry yanked Niall's hand away from Louis' and held Louis hand in his own.

"Niall calls the doctor in, they need to check on him." Niall nodded pressing the call button then left the room.


"How are you feeling?" Harry asked once the nurses finished checking on Louis.

"I feel fine, why was Niall here? Why am I here?" Harry gaped at Louis.

"You remember Niall?" Louis nodded now fully confused.

"Why would I ever forget him? He's my best friend." Harry suddenly felt guilty.

"Louis for the past couple of years you've lost your memory, like all the time you kept on forgetting things. You had no memory of Niall or who he was, you had no memory of any of your friends that we know of, do you remember all of the stuff you forgot?" Louis looked to Harry cocking his head to the side.

"Yeah, I remember a lot of people, I remember Niall, my teachers, some of my friends that were more of just acquaintances, but I remember them all." Harry was shocked, the man he fell in love with remembers everything he had forgotten.

"Do you remember everything? From then to now?" Louis nodded and smiled at Harry, taking his hand in his.

"I remember everything, I especially remember you and other parts of you." Harry blushed and looked away biting his bottom lip.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Louis shrugged giving Harry a lusty look.

Harry smirked leaning downward capturing Louis lips on his. Louis learned forward closer. This moment was perfect. Both Harry and Louis felt sparks fly through them. It was like fireworks for them.

Unknown to them Niall was watching the scene unfold in front of him. It hurt so much, Niall hated it. Niall had no idea he was crying till his shoulder got brushed by a nurse.

"Oh sorry, sir. Are you okay? Your crying." Niall sniffled and nodded wiping the tears from his face.

"I'm fine," was all Niall said then left the hospital.

'It was useless to be here, I shouldn't have ever kissed him, he might still be asleep.'


When the news of Louis awakening was heard Lottie, Felicite, Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest and Doris all went to the hospital happy to see their big brother once again but this time awake. It was a great reunion for the large family.

"Lottie, why are you crying so much?" Louis asked now sitting up from the bed and hugging his sister.

"I'm just so happy you remember so much now. I thought I would never get to experience being able to talk about and relive memories with you again." Lottie choked out another sob wetting Louis hospital gown with her tears.

Louis sighed petting the back of Lottie's head comfortingly. The slight touch brought more tears to Lottie's eyes. Louis was never like this when he had forgotten his memories so much. He was always so untouchable unless it was Harry. Louis never liked to be touched by his sisters and brother that much. He saw it as a useless feeling to experience because he would surely forget about the feeling. Now that he has those memories back, he can feel it again. He can enjoy the loving tender touch of his siblings.

Louis shed a tear himself knowing he would be able to remember this loving moment forever.

Harry watched fondly at the touching moment. Doris and Ernest on his lap watching the scene unfold confused as to why their older sister was crying but was smiling.

"Hawwy, why is Lots crying and smiwling?" Ernest asked taking his pacifier out of his mouth then putting it back in.

"Because Lottie is very happy which can make people cry when they have something sad but happy happen to them, Lottie is very happy right now." Doris and Ernest nodded kind of understanding the situation but not entirely.


Louis was able to leave the hospital the next day. Glad he got to spend new years with Harry and his siblings.

Everyone was in the backyard watching the fireworks go off, there was a park not that far from them. When the fireworks went off Louis made the bold move turning Harry to him, getting on his tiptoes Louis kissed Harry firmly on the lips. Lottie and Felicite's boyfriends were there to spread the new year's kiss as well.

Niall was spending his new years with Liam and Bear. They watched the fireworks off the tv.

"No new years kisses for us." Niall nodded agreeing with Liam.

"Zayn broke up with me. He found out about the song and my feelings for Louis and the kiss I sort of stole from him. He also found out I never had real feelings for him. Yeah a great start to the new year, single and heartbroken." Liam felt bad for his single heartbroken friend.

"If it makes you feel better guess who else is single?" Niall looked to Liam not shocked, Liam's been single for a while now.

"You?" Liam shook his head lifting his son.

"No, I have a new girlfriend but Mr. Bear Payne is single! So you can spend your single life with him!" Niall groaned his head falling back on the couch staring up at the ceiling.

'This is more embarrassing than being single for the new year.'

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now