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twenty-eight shots in and Harry was finally hammered. He couldn't see or think straight at the moment.

"So your all pussy shitty mad because your boyfriend's ex-best friend is in love with your boyfriend? I mean that's a dumbass reason to be mad at someone for." Harry turned swaying a bit trying to glare at Ed but found it hard because Ed in his eyes was moving way to fast.

"Shut up, Niall is a little shit that doesn't deserve to love someone as beautiful and amazing as my Louis. He's mine, I love him, he's mine." Ed nodded taking a sip of his ale.

"Okay okay, he's yours but he's not an object so I don't think you have any right to be telling Niall that he can't see Louis again. I mean you said that they were best friend before right?" Harry nodded but it was more swaying, Ed couldn't even tell if the nod was for him or if he was nodding to the soft music.

Harry used his sleeve to wipe the alcohol drool off his cheek.

"Niall just wants to take Louis away from me. I'm all Louis has besides his family. He needs me, he doesn't need that Irish leprechaun." Ed grew concerned for his old friend, the man was clearly drunk but he was also super emotional right now.

"He took his song away from him and gave him a fake one, he hates his own voice right now because of him. I've never been able to cause my Louis any of that pain before and I don't want to ever do that but I also don't anyone to cause that pain on him either. He doesn't deserve it." Harry laid his head on the bar table his hand cradling the tiny twenty-eighth empty shot cup.

"I need one more, Ed give me one more." Ed shook his head taking Harry's coat off the back of his chair and laying it on his back.

"I think you've had enough, let's get you home. This Louis guy probably really misses you right now." Harry shook his head struggling to get up only to lean on Ed.

"I gotta go and take care of Niall first, make sure that he never comes near Louis." Ed rolled his eyes wrapping his arm around Harry's waist and leaving the bar with him.

Ed managed to find Harry's car and laid him on the hood and shuffled through his pockets finding the keys.

"Geez Harry get majorly drunk and pass out and not even think about someone possibly robbing you oh and raping you. Louis wouldn't be very happy about that you know." Harry groaned rolling over falling off the hood.

Ed sighed unlocking Harry's car.

"Your such a spazz." Ed opened the passenger side door and carried Harry inside settling him down.

Ed searched more through his pockets finding his drivers license with his address on it.

"Heh you don't live that far from here actually, you could have walked here you lazy brute." Ed got in on the other side of the car starting it heading down to Harry's small house he shared with Louis.

"You have a nice place here Harry. Not my cup of tea since this shit is small but I guess its good for you and your boyfriend. Well lets get you inside." Harry was passed out mouth open with drool dribbling out.

Ed got out helping Harry out after waking him up just enough to get him standing but holding onto something.

"Let's get you inside bud." Ed wrapped Harry's arm over his shoulder struggling to get up the stairs to enter the house.

Unlocking the door was a major struggle. There was no light outside so he couldn't see what he was doing, he also couldn't let him go because he and Harry could both fall and majorly hurt themselves. Ed groaned fist clenching and began to knock harshly on the door, ringing the doorbell here and there because he now dropped the keys.

Louis opened the door blanket wrapped around him looking dead tired from being woken up.

"Are you Louis?" Ed asked Harry's dead asleep weight now creeping up on him.

Louis nodded opening the door wider to let Ed in once he saw Harry.

"Just put him on the couch please," Louis said wandering into the kitchen grabbing his now cold cup of cocoa.

Ed panted laying back on the couch next to a drunk passed out Harry.

Louis sat down across from them.

"What happened? Where did he go? I forgot what he told me." Ed stared at Louis confused, Harry told him that he told Louis where he was going, did this guy really forget where his own boyfriend went?

"Uh, he went to his friend's house then left and got majorly drunk, uh, I'm Ed, an old friend of Harry's." Louis nodded shaking Ed's hand.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Ed shook his head yawning.

"Nah I uh just need a place to sleep for the night, I completely forgot that I didn't drive my own car here. I drove Harry's. I'll just wait for tomorrow, I can call an uber." Louis nodded lightly shaking Harry awake.

"Harry? Come on baby, let's get to bed." Harry groaned and nodded following Louis upstairs.

Ed took the throw blanket off the couch finally noticing the cup of cold cocoa on the coffee table. Taking the cup Ed wandered into the kitchen seeing three more cups, one in the microwave, one on the stove and one on the table. Ed placed the cup in the sink wondering why there were so many cups of the same drink in multiple different places around the kitchen.

'He better not be some crazy spiritual person that summons demons or some crazy shit.'


The next morning Ed was alone in the kitchen with Harry. Harry had made a small but surprisingly amazing breakfast. Eggs that looked small enough for a dog to eat whole, with scrambled eggs and bacon.

"So I have a question." Harry hummed wiping down the stove, all the cups from the last night were gone when Ed woke up.

'Was it all a dream?'

"I saw a bunch of cups here just everywhere last night, they were all filled with I think the same thing, I don't know but did he just keep making a new one?" Harry stiffened and turned around.

"Uh yeah, he has uh dementia, he constantly forgets things, so seeing multiple dishes around the house either still full or empty is usual for me, Louis forgets about them." Louis ironically rounded into the kitchen wrapping his arms around Harry's back.

"Who's that Harry?" Louis asked nodding to Ed.

'He just saw me last night, wait did he already forget about me?'

"My friend, Ed came over last night when you were asleep, we just chatted for a bit and spent the night." Louis nodded grabbing a plate of food and leaving, to shy to talk to the stranger.

"I'm confused." Harry sighed taking a seat across from Ed.

"He has dementia, don't be threatened or sad that he didn't remember you, its normal. The more he sees someone or knows them from a very personal level he won't forget about you. I don't think he needs to know you though since your nothing to him so don't even worry or think about him and his issues okay?" Ed slowly nodded getting up dropping his empty plate in the sink.

"I'm taking a taxi home, and uh check your email sometime this week from me. I think I wanna hang out again but talk about something else." Harry furrowed his brow watching Ed leave.

'What the hell would he need to talk about?'

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now