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"Louis baby please I wanna hear you sing. I've heard you before when you were in the shower and you sound amazing. This could be a great opportunity for you like a record label might hear it and think you're amazing and you can sing more and write your own songs." Louis shook his head continuing to play on his phone.

"I'm fine with listening to music." Harry groaned pulling on his face storming out the living room.

'Why does he have to be so damn stubborn? Why is it always the short people that are the most stubborn? I'm not giving up, Louis needs this.' Harry pulled out his phone texting Niall to think of a backup plan.

Niall pouted staring at his phone mad and pissed off that Harry couldn't make a simple plan work.

"Harry failed the plan, so we have to think of a backup plan." Zayn nodded writing down random song lyrics.

"Are you even listening to me?" Zayn nodded bobbing his head to the tune in his head.

Niall rolled his eyes leaving the kitchen trying to think of a new plan.


Harry stared at Louis intently watching him as he slurped up the soup from his spoon.

"Harry your soup is gonna get cold if you don't eat it." Harry narrowed his eyes pushing his soup bowl away from him.

"Why won't you do it?" Harry asked glaring at Louis.

Louis stopped and lowered his spoon in the soup bowl.

"Won't do what?" Harry was about to oppose till he remembered that Louis forgot things way to easily.

"The singing, why won't you do it? Please, I wanna hear you sing again." Louis looked even more confused, when did Harry ask him to sing?

"When did you ask me to sing?" Louis took another sip of his soup nodding to Harry back to his bowl of soup that was no longer steaming anymore.

"Well, will you sing for me? My friend he knows somebody that has a recording studio and I immediately thought of you and I would love to hear you sing for me. I also want to record it so I can keep it close to me whenever I have to go away or something, what do you say?" Louis nodded leaning over the table and kissing Harry.

Harry smiled kissing back.

'I guess I can tell Niall this plan worked, I don't know how he knew it would but thank god Niall knows a lot about Louis.'


Louis was shivering the whole time when Harry and he got to the recording studio. Zayn didn't make it because he had a management meeting to attend to.

"Where is your friend?" Louis asked taking Harry's coat off and placing it on him.

"He said he would be here soon, just know that he is the one that works with me and he knows you kind of. Don't be mad at me when you see him and try not to be too shy because he's a nice person." Louis blushed shoving his face in Harry's chest wrapping his arms around him trying to find more warmth in the cold room.

There was a knock on the door before Harry and Louis could answer Niall walked in with a big smile one hand holding a tray of coffees and the other with a laptop bag.

"Sorry I took so long, it was freezing out and I forgot about the fact that they keep this place cold so the machines don't overheat when were recording so I brought you all some coffees." 'I remember Louis favorite coffee he always got when we were in high school.'

"Thanks, Niall." Louis nodded as a thank you taking the coffee Nialls tray.

"Okay so I have everything set up on my laptop you just need to go in the booth and we can start recording, do you know what your gonna sing?" Louis stopped drinking and looked to Harry for an answer.

"He's just gonna do a cover of an artist that he listens to." Niall smiled and nodded turning around setting up his laptop to the recording set.

"Does he know who the artist is?" Louis whispered looking from Harry to Niall.

"No, I didn't tell him about the artist, just that you sound amazing and I would love you hear you sing it instead." Louis smiled standing on his toes and kissing Harry.

Niall could see from the reflection through the window the romance and love Louis had for Harry. Niall scolded himself for ever having a crush on his best friend. That's why he found Zayn and started dating him. Zayn was just a replacement for Louis. Someone to keep him distracted from the heartbreak he had to deal with.

"Um, its all set. You just tell me when you're ready." Harry lightly ushered Louis inside the booth helping him with the headphones and setting the mike to be lowered down to his mouth.

Harry mentally laughed when Louis pouted at how the mike was up to his eyes at height.

"Youll do great," Harry whispered kissing Louis cheek then leaving and locking the booth.

Niall handed Harry a pair of headphones then turned on the speaker to talk to Louis through the soundproof booth.

"Can you hear me, Lou?" Louis paused remembering a small fuzzy memory of someone constantly calling him Lou.

"Louis? Hello? Are you okay?" Louis nodded shaking his head to get focused again.

"Great Harry gave me the lyrics and I printed them, they're in back of you on the table in case you forget about them." Louis nodded grabbing the lyrics and reading them over.

The lyrics seemed like they flowed into Louis' head when he read them. The song, the tune, the music everything just jumped into his head permanently staying put sort of like Harry's name.

"Louis you just tell us when you're ready." Louis nodded holding a thumbs up to start.

Niall looked to Harry who nodded giving him the go to start.


While Harry and Niall watched as Louis sang the lyrics they didn't even bother to listen to the actual music just Louis angelic voice. Niall wanted to cry because this was the first time in a long time since he heard Louis sing, the first time was when he-


Eleventh-grade high school for Louis and Niall.

Niall was walking down the hall ready to leave after staying after school to help clean up the mess he made in cooking class. Niall heard someone singing when he was going down the hall to his locker. Niall saw a slight agar door hearing the angelic sound. Looking through Niall's eyes widened when he saw Louis with Harry. Louis had a bright smile on his face smile singing some random song Niall had no idea what it was. Harry was playing the piano staring up lovingly at his boyfriend.

Niall always envied Harry, he got to date the one guy that Niall wanted to date, his best friend and longtime crush. Harry hasn't even known him that long he met him in freshman year, Nialls known him since sixth grade.

Niall stayed watching the two. It may sound stalkerish but listening to Louis sing was the best thing in the world to him. Niall eventually left when Louis finished and Harry kissed him.

End of flashback

"Hey, are you okay?" Niall got out of his head and wiped the tear on his cheek away.

"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking of something that I remembered happened uh don't worry about it. Uh is he finished does he want to record me or listen to it?" Harry shook his head.

"When you finish just send it to me okay? Thanks so much though I hope when he listens he remembers something though." Harry hugged Niall grabbing Louis hand and leaving.

Niall waited till they both left then played the version of the song Louis just recorded.

'Louis doesn't even know that this is the first song that has ever sung.'

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