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Niall stared at Bear wondering if Louis remembered him. Most likely wouldn't. Louis only met Bear once and that was the day Bear was born he never saw him again.

"Do you think if I bring you to meet Louis he'll get a flashback and remember me? Maybe even you?" Liam looked up wondering.

"I heard that people that lose their memories a lot can get some of them back by just seeing one person. Bear you can be one of those magical people that bring back memories!" Liam rushed to Bear holding him in the air.

Bear giggled shoving his fist in his mouth.

"I wish I could be a baby and give Louis memories." Liam lowered Bear and placed him in his walker than wrapped Niall in a hug.

"One day he might remember you and guess what, that day will probably be the best day ever. Now, don't you have work to get to? Its almost time for you to leave." Niall nodded going to his room to change into his uniform.


"You created a winter wonderland prom in your backyard for him? I would of love to see how messy that was." Niall laughed as Harry blushed shoving a coffeecake in his face.

"Shut up and it wasn't messy, I was gonna do it inside the living room but Louis said no because it would make it look like a whore house." Niall burst out laughing just imagining Louis saying that.

The short lad looked younger than he looked but he had the mouth of a sailor.

"I wouldn't want to be in a house where there's a string of lights all over the walls. That sounds like it would look like a four-year-olds box of sixty-four crayons all broken and wet from drool." Harry rolled his eyes handing a customer his order.

"Yeah, but I made it outside in our backyard by that time the blizzard wasn't that bad. Louis even came outside and thought it looked beautiful. I would have taken a picture but the moment was too perfect. I even played his music." Niall stopped staring at Harry confused.

"His music? You mean the music he recorded of himself and completely forgot he had?" Harry smiled and nodded remembering the angelic voice.

"Yep, he didn't even know it was him singing it. He said he liked it though. I was kind of hoping that the music would bring back some memories but it just made ask who it was and want to listen to more." Niall raised his brow typing in a customers order on the laptop.

"He listened to more of his own music not knowing it was himself singing it? That sounds way more confusing than twelfth-grade math." Harry sighed pulling out his phone opening this music player.

"I changed all the artist names to unknown so he won't know it's him that singing it. He even told me to download all of them on his phone. He fell asleep listening to it last night. I am hoping the more he listens to it the possibility he gets some memories back. I mean I wish he could remember when he recorded it, I was with him when he did." Niall frowned watching Harry's smile fall while handling his customers.

'We all wish we knew of something to help him.'


"Zayn, do you think you could do me a favor?" Zayn hummed not paying any attention.

"I wanna borrow your recording studio." Zayn stopped scrolling his phone and looked at Niall confused.

"Why?" Niall shifted his feet from left to right.

"My friend used to make music and I wanna help him get that back. He lost his memories and so he's been listening to his own music but he doesn't know it's him that's the one that's singing. I wanna bring him to a studio and have him listen to it and see if he wants to do covers and then he will listen to his cover and see it sounds the same and then he will know it's him and it might bring back some memories. I don't know if this will fully work but I hope it works because I just want my best friend back. He doesn't even know who I am anymore but this isn't about me it's about him. Harry and I really want him to be himself again and he isn't himself anymore now that he doesn't have any memories anymore." Niall let out a long breath and looked to Zayn for an answer.

"Sure, just give me a call and when you want to use it because I don't think I have to record anything for a while right now." Niall smiled jumping on his boyfriend's lap kissing him endlessly.

The chair that Zayn was sat on broke under his and Nialls weight and because Niall jumped on him.

"Oops, sorry. I just got too excited." Zayn smirked looked to the side staring at Niall's bum.

"I'm excited too you know." Niall blushed kissing Zayn.

"Lets fix that."


Louis was humming to the lyrics of the song of the unknown artist while it played in the background. Harry told him to wash the dishes while he salted the steps because of course Louis forgot to do that which resulted in Harry fall on his ass. Harry was also shoveling the snow off their porch.

Louis wanted to drink hot chocolate and listen to the music this morning but the seats and the ground just all over the porch were snowed.

Niall texted Harry about his plan which Harry was completely on board with it excited to hear Louis sing again, just this time he gets to see him do it again. Harry really missed watching Louis sing. Now the only problem was convincing Louis to do this, forcing Louis to do thing was not okay on Harry's part.

The only time that Harry ever tells Louis to do things is when he tells him to do small things, like clean the house, go grocery shopping, not any more of that now, he got fucking lost! Other times if really rare Harry would tell him to prep himself but that's only if Louis and Harry are both in the mood at the same time like he said super rare for that to ever happen.

Now Harry will have to convince Louis to sing or want to sing, oh what a challenge he is gonna be doing.

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now