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Louis woke up, Harry was happy because he got to be there with Louis when he woke up.


Harry was sitting next to Louis as usual. He just got off work and immediately went to the hospital to be with Louis.

"So I read online that when someone is in a coma its good to talk to them, so I am from now on gonna be telling you about my day till you wake up. Umm, so today was a pretty normal basic boring day for me. There actually wasn't a lot of customers today because Christmas is over now so I guess everyone is just either spending the rest of the Christmas break with family in their homes and stuff instead of going out and buying stuff you know. Niall and I aren't talking still, I don't know what to do anymore I mean Liam tried to talk to me and convince me to take him off the list of people banned from seeing you but I don't know. I kind of don't trust him one bit, but I did it anyway. I took him off the list, he told me he would come by today. I'm still not letting him be alone with you though okay." Harry took Louis pale skinny hand in his rubbing his thumb over his ring finger.

"I wish I could put a ring on this hand so badly. I want to make you feel special with anything from me. Specifically a ring, but you're not awake to accept or deny so I guess its a waiting process for me and you right now." Harry sighed staring sadly at Louis' hand mainly his ring finger.

"Wow nice speech, I know that when his ass wakes up I am making sure to tell him that you proposed to him when he was sleeping." Harry glared at Niall who walked in with a bag of what he could only assume is the small snacks from the cafe.

"Thanks for letting me come by today and thanks for taking me off the list now. So any responses yet?" Harry shook his head looking down at Louis again.

"I brought coffee and come cupcakes. I wanna try to lure him out of his sleep with his favorite cupcake and coffee. I don't think you've tried that yet since you haven't ever left with food since he's been like this." Harry wanted to snap at Niall to leave but knew that Niall was right, Harry didn't think about that, in fact, he didn't even know what Louis' favorite cupcake and coffee was.

'Jeez, what kind of boyfriend am I? His own best friend that he doesn't even know already knows his favorite shit that I don't even know.'

Niall took a seat next to Harry in and pulled out the cupcake, it had blue icing on top with a light pink rose. Niall took off the oxygen mask taking the cupcake and holding it in front Louis nose.

"Come on buddy, I know you want to wake up and just devour this cupcake, guess what you can! You can eat this cupcake when your ass is awake again." Niall continued to move the cupcake around in circles above his comatose friend not getting a single response.

'Yeah waking him up with a cupcake would sooooo work Niall.' Harry rolled his eyes relaxing in the seat and crossed his arms over his chest.

Niall took the cupcake back biting into it.

"You bought the cupcake for him yet your going to eat it when he can't? I don't find that very nice you know." Niall stopped eating just as he finished with the small cupcake.

"I'm not letting a cupcake that I made go to waste, so I am gonna eat it since he won't be able to. Also even if he woke up he still won't be able to eat it when come wakes up from having that kind of tube down their throat and or slept for a long ass time they do not want to be eating food like this. Liquid and soft jelly-like foods are what they want. Not cupcakes and hot coffee." Harry rolled his eyes having enough of the Irish freak.

"I'm going to get myself some coffee, if they have any shots for me then that will make my day. Don't do anything horrid to him, if I come back and he is flatlining I swear I will throw you out that window." Niall nodded watching Harry leave then looked back at Louis.

"I don't think Harry told you but he gave me a busted lip, a black eye, and he almost broke my jaw during the span of this one month. So yeah I hope you're proud of your boyfriend. I just hope when you wake up he isn't that horrible to you. I highly doubt that he would lay a bad hand on you. Anyways I looked up ways for waking people up when they are comatose and well there is a lot of ways of achieving that. For one that I tried testing was food, which clearly failed, so we are gonna try number too, fairy tail princess style. Harry isn't here so I get to test it out now." Niall lifted Louis' oxygen mask staring at his surprisingly not chapped lips.

Leaning forward Niall placed a light kiss on Louis' lips, there was no spark, no noise, no feeling between the two. Niall pulled back with a frown.

"I guess we really aren't meant to be together."

"Yeah your not, because he's with me." Niall jumped up from his chair staring wide-eyed at Harry.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with him? I thought I told you not to do anything to him yet you fucking kiss him when I leave!" Niall opened his mouth to defend himself but stopped when something grabbed his hand.

Harry and Niall both looked to Louis, his eyes were open and he was holding Niall's hand.

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