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"If you keep that grouchy face you would be a perfect actor for playing the Grinch in the London play coming up this weekend." Niall sneered at Liam as he laughed with his son who was giggling at nothing but his father laughing.

"I hate Christmas this year. I lost my best friend Liam. All I want is him to be back to normal but that will never happen with his condition."

"You don't know that maybe he will be getting his memories back with that big plan of yours with him and his whole family. I think its wonderful idea and did the music one work?" Niall completely forgot that he never told Liam about it.

"Uh no, it didn't." Niall looked away once again hating himself for making up another lie?

Well, it technically wasn't a lie since it didn't work mainly because he never showed him the song.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Don't lose hope though because I never lost hope when Cheryl and I broke up. I thought she would take full custody of Bear but nope I believed and prayed that I would get at least come custody and I did I got it. So don't lose any hope about Louis got it?" Niall stared at Liam shocked and amazed at someone who nearly lost a part of him and got it back just for believing in something so small.

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thank you." 'Thank you for giving me something to believe in, I still have those, right?


Louis was once again staring at an object pouting? Or was he questioning it? Harry watched Louis intently mainly making sure that he didn't injure himself in any way, Louis being short makes him super clumsy.

As his wording said Louis leaned forward too far losing his footing and slipping forward his head banging harshly on the floor.

Harry ran forward picking Louis up screaming out loud as Louis had a bloody nose and was passed out.

"Louis baby wake up, please. Don't go! Don't you dare walk towards the light!!!!"


"He's okay everyone, he was actually very much exhausted so when he fell and hit his head his body went into a defensive mode and passed out. The bloody nose well his nose is broken, we fixed it with our best surgeon." Harry wanted to pass out, the best surgeon just fixed his boyfriend's nose.

The best fucking surgeon in London wasted their time fixing his boyfriends nose, do you know how much that is gonna cost!? A fucking nose job cost a shit ton a nose surgery cost possibly way more! Harry sniffled back tears looking at the ground.

"Oh, I see you're very emotional about him, your so supportive." Harry nodded pathetically.

I'm gonna be broke.'


"Harry! They have this really nice bed and big windows! Also the curtains open with this button thingy!" Louis smiled pressing a button on the remote watching as the curtains opened and closed.

'Louis each press is like adding ten dollars to the bill.' Harry was pushed to the side and leaned against the wall hating the support it had.

Lottie and Felicite were both comforting Louis? More like they were telling him jokes about stupid shit.

'All I want right now is to go back to work, why did my days off have to be like this? I just wanted to continue to fuck him not watch him crouch on the floor and fall face first.'

"Uh, Harry are you okay?" Harry nodded smiling at Louis hoping to hide the money flying away from his tears.

'I won't even be able to pay my phone bill because of his clumsy ass.'


Louis got discharged within the next couple of hours Harry was crying happy tears when Lottie and Felicite offered to pay off his bill.

'My phone is safe!' Louis stared at Harry watching the man shed waterfall tears with a bright smile on his face.

"Harry if you keep on crying for no reason you won't be able to see and we might get in a car accident." Harry's tears stopped like they weren't even there in the first place, even the tear streaks were gone.

Louis leaned as far away from Harry shocked at the magic the man possibly possessed.

"Are you a wizard like Harry from Harry Potter?" Harry had a sneer on his face at the mention of the fake Harry.

"I am nothing like that stupid glasses wearing imposter. I am the only Harry that can be with you and please you and have the most magic in the world!" Harry pumped his fist in the air with power ignoring the fact that he put a dent in the car on the roof that would be very noticeable on the outside.

Harry lowered his shaky fist now releasing more tears as the pain that was now in his hand.

"Harry your hand is turning purple, we should go back to the hospital." Harry shook his head lowering his hand to his side with a pained smile.

"No, I am a tough ass man I can handle the most excruciating pain in the world just for you!!!!!" Harry growled perfectly parallel parking.

"Harry, when will you teach me how to drive?" Harry turned off the car looking at Louis shocked until he remembered that Louis forgets things.

"Uh, Louis I uh..." 'How do you tell your boyfriend that he already asked for driving lessons then said no to it when Harry offered to teach him.

"I will teach you when you're my age." Louis smiled brightly and nodded getting out the car.

'He will forget that I ever said and forget that he ever asked like always sadly.'

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now