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Harry was rushing to the park, he didn't give a single word to Lottie and Felicite when he ran outside and got in his car. Both girls were confused as to what is happening.

When Harry got to the park Phoebe and Daisy were trying to comfort Doris and Ernest who were scared of the way Louis was acting. It was scary seeing your older brother scream and cry on the ground in pain.

"What the hell happened?!" Harry demanded running over to Niall who was hovering beside Louis.

"I- I showed him videos and pictures of us and told him about us. I told him how he was my best friend back then. I think that kind of messed with his mind." Harry growled his fist clenching up.

Harry threw a punch to Niall knocking him down and away from Louis. Harry gently picked up Louis in his arms.

"Baby please speak to me. Your gonna be okay. I'm taking you to the hospital." Harry mumbled taking Louis to his car.

"Girls lets go get in the back seat," Harry said opening the back doors for the four twins.

'You asshole do you see what you did to him? You fucking messed with his mind to the point that he can't even think straight anymore!' Harry drove to the hospital making sure to tell the twins to call Lottie and tell them to meet them at the hospital.

"I need help! Please, my boyfriend! There's something wrong with him!" Harry called out running inside the emergency entrance holding Louis who eventually passed out but was bleeding from his ears and mouth when he finally stopped.

Three nurses rushed over with a gurney. Harry gently placed Louis on it rushing along with them as they rushed away to get him to a private room.


When Niall came to he was at home in his bed.

'What the hell? What happened?' Niall got up groaning pain when his head was now suddenly pounding.

"Glad to see your awake now. You have quite the shinner now." Niall looked over to Liam and Zayn who walked in with ice packs and water and pills.

"Jeez is getting beat up your thing now? I kind of don't want to have to keep seeing my boyfriend get his ass kicked all the time. It's getting out of hand. So do you know who did it this time?" Niall nodded clenching his fist in anger.

"Harry, that asshole fucking knocked me out just for being near Louis! Then he fucking left me! I could have been kidnapped for all he cares! Ugh, I swear next time I see him I'm throwing hot coffee right in his face!" Niall growled taking the water from Liam.

"Well right now wouldn't be the best time considering Louis is at the hospital. Phoebe texted me that Harry had taken Louis to the hospital because he passed out and was bleeding from his ears and mouth." Niall spits out his water chocking on it.

"What?!" Liam nodded showing Niall the text from Phoebe.

"Shit have they heard anything else?" Niall asked while scrolling through the texts to see if anything else happened.

"No, it's just a waiting game right now. I would suggest we go to the hospital to see for ourselves but I don't think Harry would be very happy to see you there." Niall got up holding the ice pack to his head.

"Bullshit, Louis is my best friend I am not going to miss the chance that I have with him. Harry just doesn't want to share his precious little Louis because he's fucking selfish and I hate it! I'm done with him!" Niall put on his shoes and began to leave his apartment ignoring Liam and Zayn as they tried to get him to not leave.

'I am not losing him yet you selfish curly hair shit! Not today, not tomorrow, not ever again!'


The doctors don't fully know what's wrong with Louis, they've done scans among scans on him. Nothing shows any indication that anything is wrong with his body. His brain is fine, his bones are fine, his ears and mouth are both fine. They had no idea why he started bleeding or why he started freaking out from the pain in his head. Louis hasn't even woken up too.

It was stressful for Harry, he didn't care about the money and how much this was gonna cost he just cared about what is happening to his unconscious boyfriend.

"Lottie and Felicite finished with the pictures around the house. They said they were on their way right now." Harry hummed holding Louis' hand.

'Please wake up soon, I wanna make sure your okay.'


Next day...


"Happy birthday Lou. I hope you wake up today to celebrate with all of us. Niall came by yesterday but I didn't let him in. I don't feel comfortable with him being around you, especially if you're asleep like this." Harry never left Louis side last night, he even paid extra so he could spend the night in the hospital with Louis.

Every hour or so a nurse would walk in and check on Louis vitals and blood pressure to make sure if anything changed. His personal doctor said that Louis was in a coma but he had his doubts about him not being in a coma.

"Your sisters are coming over later today to wish you a happy birthday, they're bringing over a small cake but we can't have any candles. They are bringing a fake one though, you won't be able to blow it out because its fake but I can do that for you if you don't wake up." Harry stopped talking using his thumb to rub over Louis' hand.

One of Louis regular nurses that kept on coming in to check on him finally came in once again to do her hourly check on.

"So far he has said that Louis isn't comatose but he doesn't know when he would be waking up. We would like to continue doing more tests on him till he does and as for his memories on losing them we don't know about those till he wakes up." Harry sighed nodding looking down at Louis.

"Am I allowed to try to wake him up myself?"

"I would advise not to, it would be best to not do that in case anything bad happens. I suggest just going with the flow on the waiting process for now." 'Fuck this waiting process I want my boyfriend to wake up and be okay again. I don't want to relive the time he got so sick he had to stay at the hospital. He lost all memories of his best friend during that time, I don't want him to lose all memories of me this time. I mean more to him than Niall does, I live with him, I'm in love with him, I want to marry him.

Harry sniffled letting a few tears escape but rubbed them away with the blanket Louis had.

"Please wake up soon. I miss you way too much, its horrible without you."


Niall was busy with work the whole time Harry was gone. Harry even took a week off work until further notice. Niall though couldn't do that. He needed to work mainly because the other people that work with them only work during the weekends, Harry and Niall work all week. So basically Harry and Niall are practically the only two but right now Niall is stuck working by himself but he managed to get Liam to come by and help him out.

"So any news from Phobe about Louis and Harry?" Niall asked looking over to Liam.

"As far as I know nothing, she hasn't texted me about it yet. I messaged her but she said nothing has happened, Louis won't wake up and that you are on the list of people that are not allowed to visit him. Now mind telling me what happened between you and Harry that made him put you on that list?" Niall looked to Zayn who was busy occupying Bear then shook his head.

"No, I want to keep that between me and Harry for now, sorry." Liam silently nodded watching his friend as he worked himself to the bone.

'Your gonna have to tell me at some point right?' Liam sighed shaking his head at the nonsense his friend was going through.

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