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Harry so badly wanted to wring Niall's neck till it was nothing but a tiny thread right now.

Flashback to the reason why...

Harry finally got to go home after the struggling day of horrible rushy annoying customers that demanded they wanted what they wanted right now. But honestly, the only thing he wanted right now was to strangle Niall's neck till it looked like a twisted knotted rope about to break on its last thread.

Harry heard the song, he knew that wasn't what they recorded. Niall fucking altered it to make it sound bad.

"Harry I don't get why you are so mad right now, what happened?" Louis asked already forgetting that Harry told him the song was altered.

"Nothing to bother you with Loulou. I'm just going out for a bit, I'll be back with dinner okay?" Louis nodded placing the hot mug of cocoa on the table forgetting that he already had one in the fridge that he forgot about.


Harry didn't even knock on the door to Niall's apartment he kicked the door open with his foot. Harry ignored the thumping pain in his foot and continued to search Niall's apartment for him only to find out no one was here.

"Ugh! Niall! Where the fuck are you?!" Harry shouted opening and slamming doors open.

Harry eventually found Niall hidden under the island counter. Harry growled grabbing Niall by his leg and pulling him out.

"I'm sorry! I know you're mad at me but like you don't understand!" Niall cried trying to grab anything to get away from Harry.

"Oh yeah! Explain all you want I don't give a shit! You made Louis sound like complete shit and I know you know he sounds like a mother fucking angel!" Niall's eyes widened scared of his own life at the moment.

"I altered the music because... because... I" Niall sighed looking down and away from Harry.

'I can't tell him. I'm sorry Harry.' Harry was still seething with his fist clenched ready to punch Niall in the head.

"Tell me the fucking truth or I will beat it out of you," Harry demanded grabbing Niall by his hair.

"I love him! I love him okay! I don't want anyone to hear his beautiful voice but for me but you get to have it for yourself. I just want the only thing I have left of my best friend, something you can't have." Harry let go of Niall's hair slowly walking away.

'What the hell did he mean by that?'

"What? Repeat that right now!" Niall got up wiping his nose of the small bit of blood he got.

"I love Louis, I've loved him since... since... since he started dating you! It not fair! I've known him longer than you have and you still get to-" Harry had enough slapping Niall across the face hard enough to knock him on the floor.

"You selfish little bitch! Louis now hates singing in front of me, in front of himself, he downright refuses to sing now! You fucking ruined him!" Harry grabbed Niall by the front of his shirt holding him up, his toes just touching the floor.

"I don't want you anywhere near him from now on. If your so-called feelings are for him I don't trust you alone with him now, better yet I don't trust you with him in general." Niall's hair was covering his face, covering the depression that slowly crept on him.

'I just lost it all. I knew that day would come, I just didn't want to have it happen so soon.' Harry dropped Niall to the floor storming out of his apartment.

Niall stayed on the floor staring at his lap with his hands in his lap.

'I'm such a failure. I can't even keep the one person that I like to stay with me. He can't even remember my name or who I am. I can't stand it. I want him back! I'll never get what I want back.' Niall cried his fist clenching up.


Harry didn't want to go back home, his foot was hurting, so was his broken hand from him hitting Niall, along the fact that he was way too pissed off at Niall he was afraid he would let it out on Louis.

"That jackass had his chance with Louis and blew it and now wants to keep whatever he can of him like some perverted freak! I hate him!" Harry yelled punching a lamp pole.

Harry hissed cradling his hand to his chest lucky it wasn't broke like his other one.

"If you keep yelling at no one people are gonna think you're some homeless crazy person. I know you aren't because I got a good look at that watch and rings you have so what seems to be the problem, my friend?" Harry turned around about to snap at the stranger to leave him alone but stopped when he saw it was his old friend.

"Ed? What the hell are you doing here?" Harry growled his anger now going up further.

"Well, I came here originally to record a new song with my friend sorry can't tell you who, and I wanted to go for a nice nightly stroll since not a lot of people should be out late right now and I see you. How are you doing?" Harry tsked shoving his nonbroken hand into his jacket pocket and walked away.

Ed jumped up rushing in front of Harry stopping him.

"Okay, I know you're mad at me for firing you from being my guitarist but come on hear me out. It not because I found someone better but I just, I heard rumors from the rest of the group that you were out to convince me to date you and expose me for being gay when you know I'm straight. It sounded believable because your gay and I didn't want to risk my career going down the shitter okay. I'm sorry, now can we please just talk together." Harry looked at Ed wondering if he should really trust this guy.

"Buy me a few drinks and we can talk." Ed smiled and nodded glad to hang out with his old friend again.

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