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Its Christmas day, Harry finally went home to shower then went to Lottie's to spend the first afternoon Christmas with them. He was gonna spend the next half with his mom, and sister, the last bit was with Louis who was still asleep. The doctors finally are tube feeding him now since he began to lose more weight now. It hurt Harry so much to see his boyfriend in such a depressing state.

Harry kept the house the way it was never taking down the decorations. Yes, it slightly bothered him because they were for Louis, not him and Louis wasn't able to see these amazing memories not even enjoy them. Harry never said anything about it though. Lottie and Felicite worked way too hard on this to have to take it down because the one person that was supposed to be enjoying this wasn't able to. It was a waste of time but Harry wanted to keep it up. It gave him hope that Louis would wake up one day and be able to enjoy the pictures. There was a whole disk set up with videos from the girls and Harry all of Louis having the time of his life with them. Harry would have slipped in some of the explicit videos but decided against it since his sisters would be watching this too.

"It would be a Christmas miracle to have him wake up today." Everyone nodded agreeing with Phoebe.

"It would kind of be cliche though don't you think? I mean yeah let's jinx it to happen but I highly doubt that it will, sorry Harry. We all have faith that Louis will wake up but I don't have any faith in him waking up today." Harry understood why Louis' sisters didn't believe he would be waking up today, Louis was in a deep sleep after all.

It was stupid of Harry to even try what he did this last night before he left to go home.




Harry was about to leave to go home after staying in the hospital with Louis monitoring him in case he woke up at all. It was depressing but he didn't want to miss a single moment. If he skipped a breath Harry would immediately make sure that a doctor would be coming in to check him out if he was okay.

Harry was scrolling through his Instagram when he saw a post about Disney princesses. One of them got poisoned into a deep sleep sort of like Louis. Niall fucking poisoned him with showing him videos and pictures of his past and put him in a fucking deep sleep. The only way that princess woke up was by being kissed by her one true love? That sounded like bullshit but he remembers the movie and how awful it was.

Harry looked to Louis lightly taking off his oxygen mask ignoring the long tube going in his mouth down his throat. Harry lightly traced Louis face with his index finger loving the way his soft skin felt on his hand. Louis always had soft skin, he never had acne or used any products he was just that naturally beautiful. All the models would be jealous of him if they knew him. It was the best thing in the world to Harry.

Harry lightly touched Louis' lip then looked down at his phone looking back at the post.

The princess got woken up by a kiss from her one true love. I am Louis one true love, right? Harry leaned forward and lightly placed a kiss upon Louis top lip then pulled back. Louis didn't respond. Harry put the oxygen mask back on the upset at himself for even trying it, better yet even hoping it.


End of flashback


Harry got out of his trance when Doris and Ernest walked up to him both holding a pretty large present.

"We got this for you Harwy." Ernest said behind his binky.

'God he is way too cute, he may be too old to be having his binky still but I don't think anyone would be able to take away something from him. It would make you the meanest person in the world. Any other baby well that's different.'

"Thank you my tiny tots," Harry said taking the present and unwrapping it.

When Harry fully unwrapped the present he was drawn back a bit. It was a large photo of Harry with the rest of the family. Lottie, Felicite, Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest, Doris, Louis, and himself. The top of the photo frame had an engraving that said the Tomlinson's. Styles was on the bottom next to Tomlinson's but small.

It was still the best thing ever to know the family actually loved him this much.

"Harwy why are you crwying?" Ernest asked taking a tissue from the box next to Harry and handing it to him.

Harry sniffled taking the tissue from him. "Thank you, I'm just really happy you know? This is the best present I could ever get you know?" Ernest got on Harry's lap and hugged him.

The rest of the evening was fun, emotional, and very giving for the family. Doris and Ernest having fun with the new toys they got, Phoebe and Daisy thanked Harry for the Instagram gift cards. (Instagram gift cards are not real but in this story, there are cards that you use to buy likes and followers.) Lottie got clothes, shoes, and jewelry. Felicite got clothes, shoes, jewelry as well. It was fun and amazing. The first Christmas that Harry has spent with them without Louis.


Harry then spent the rest of the day with his mom and sister. It was a small Christmas. Gemma's boyfriend had come over as well and surprise surprise! He proposed! That's what Harry wanted to do this year for Christmas for Louis. He even had a ring for him. It was a blue and green diamond ring with smaller light blue diamonds around the ring of it. (twenty-eight tiny diamonds specifically.)

Harry kept the ring at his and Louis house though. Walking around with it felt wrong and weird now that he won't be able to use it now.

"So have you heard anything from Louis' doctors today?" Harry shook his head sipping his homemade tea his mum made.

"No, I made sure my phone and alerts were all on for in case of anything. So far no calls, messages, nothing from anyone." Anne felt bad for her son, he was hurting so much right now because of not having his boyfriend for Christmas.

Not a lot of people have their significant others for Christmas but for Anne, it was horrible for her having to watch her son have such a sad Christmas.

"I am praying and hoping for you for Louis to wake up and be healthy. I think that's my Christmas wish for you." Harry smiled when Anne got up hugging Harry and kissing his cheek.

'Louis please wake up soon, for Harry, for the girls, for your whole family.'

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