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Louis was lost, Harry went off to work and told Louis to go down the street to buy more food for them. The store was a couple of blocks away but it was a perfect walking distance. To Harry, it was a couple of turns and then you can go home, to Louis it was a maze.

"I don't know what to do. I can't find my way back. I'll just continue to walk." Louis held the bag of food close to his chest and continued to walk looking at the builds and cars and people.

It was truly a beautiful world.

"Louis? What are you doing here?" Louis turned around seeing a blonde guy rushing to him.

"Do I know you?" Niall ignored the pain he felt when Louis asked that.

"Uh, no. I know Harry your boyfriend. Uh, are you lost?" Louis shook his head slowly walking backward away from him.

"I can call get Harry if your lost our shop is just across the street." Louis looked across the street seeing Harry serving a customer his food.

"He's busy I can find my way home." Before Niall could stop him Louis was running away scared of the stranger.

'He's never gonna remember me and it would be too much of a struggle to get to know him in his state.' Niall walked across the street walking into the restaurant going behind the counter.

"What's with the gloomy face?" Harry asked handing the chef the order he just got.

"I saw Louis, he ran away from me." Niall frowned looking at the floor wanting to just stab himself for scaring his best friend that doesn't even know who he is.

"Why was Louis here? I gave him directions to the store and back home. I even made then very specific, shit cover for me." Harry took his apron off running out the restaurant trying to find Louis.


Louis was panting when he finally managed to get home. Dropping the bag on the kitchen floor Louis opened the fridge taking a bottle of water out and chugging it till it was empty.

"I did it. I made it home away from that weird blonde guy." Louis took out everything from the bag and began to put things away.

"That weird blonde used to be your best friend before you lost all memory of him." Louis jumped turning around seeing Harry leaning against the door frame.

"I uh, Harry. You should be at work." Harry rolled his eyes helping with putting things away.

"You should have followed the directions that I left on your phone. Yet you left without your phone again." Louis frowned looking away feeling Harry pissed off at him for not listening.

"I forgot to bring it, I'm sorry." Louis sniffled, Harry immediately felt bad for yelling at him for forgetting something that isn't in his control.

Turning around Harry hugged Louis rubbing his back.

"No I'm sorry, I was just so worried you would get hurt or something and I reacted wrongly. Its okay Lou so stop crying we don't need that." Louis nodded looking up at Harry through his tear-filled eyes.

Harry smiled taking a wet washcloth wiping away the tear stains on his cheeks.

"All better?" Louis nodded smiling brightly up at his boyfriend.

"Thank you, did I forget anything on the list?" Harry looked at the list surprised Louis for once got everything on short shopping list.

"Nope, you got everything for the first time!" Harry cheered holding Louis up lightly shaking him cheerfully.

Louis laughed wiggling in Harry grasp. Harry lightly put Louis down snogging the short boy.


"So your not even gonna try to at least for a friendship with him?" Niall shook his head.

"Every time I try to talk to him he always runs away from me. I don't want to keep trying something if I'm gonna fail at it." Liam felt bad for his friend, his boyfriend was a famous singer and off on tour right now so he barely got to see him at the moment and his best friend is now his ex-best friends boyfriend and his best friend has no idea who he is.

"Well, would it make you feel any better if I told you that practice makes perfect?" Niall glared at Liam handing him the baby food jar.

"You get to feed your son now. I'm going to bed." Liam groaned looking at Bear who was slapping the green baby food on his mini table making more of a mess.

"You know I don't mean to fuck up things right?" Bear stopped then laughed rubbing his chubby fingers in the green mush that was on his bib.

"I have to bathe you tonight too or Cheryl is gonna be mad at me for seeing you all messy tomorrow."


Niall sniffled staring at the many pictures and videos he has of him and Louis. They've known each other since they were in freshman year. Of course, Louis doesn't remember all the times they hung out but it was nice to capture so many times with him.

Niall laughed at a video of him and Louis. They were on the roof of their high school throwing down a box with cotton and an egg inside of it. Louis looked so excited till the wind blew the box and it landed in the tree.

"Aww! Are you fucking shitting me, man!" Louis groaned pouting.

"Stop recording me!" Louis huffed pushing Niall's phone away.

The video ended.

Niall placed his phone on his chest staring at the ceiling covering his mouth with his hand to silence his cries.

'I just want him back.'

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now