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Niall didn't give them the recording of the song. It is not that he forgot about it, he just didn't feel like giving away something he got to hear and keep for the rest of his life. Yes, he would be able to keep the copy of it but knowing that Harry would be able to listen to it, Niall wanted to be selfish for once.

"Hey Ni." Niall looked up about to nod and smile back a greeting until he saw Louis walk in with Harry.

'Why is Louis here?'

"Just go take a seat on the couch in the corner Ill bring you back a latte." Louis nodded taking a seat on the couch next to the window.

"What is he doing here?" Niall whispered already starting on the latte while Harry put on his apron.

"He said that he already did the house chores and had nothing else to do so I told him he could come to work with me today." Niall shook his head with a sigh and handed Harry the freshly made latte.

"Did you forget the last time someone brought in a person that didn't buy our shit and just stayed here?" Harry kept his eyes on Niall as he walked over to Louis handing him his latte.

"As in that, someone was you last year? You brought Zayn here before he got famous and you are the one that got demoted. You were so close to being the manager too." Harry snickered when Niall pouted looking away from him.

"That is the same thing as now, Ollie came in stayed for a bit and watched as only one customer stayed. He's gonna do the same and demand you to make him leave and then guess what I won't have someone to work the counter with me anymore." Niall pouted sitting back in his chair.

"Okay I'll make him go home but at least let him finish his latte and he wanted to ask you if the recording was finished." Niall froze cursing himself for not even thinking of that being a reason why Louis came here.

"I uh I don't have the keys to get inside, Zayn has them. He's been busy all week with meetings and he already started with his new album lyrics." Harry nodded understanding knowing the mate was busy a lot.

Niall hated lying to Harry. Zayn wasn't busy at all, in fact, he was on a break right now. Sadly lies can either end well and be turned into truths or they can end badly and be turned into more lies. It's like a forest fire, a person drives by the forest and throws their cigarette out the window not even caring that they just started a tiny fire. Hope rain makes it go away and everything will be okay but you have the evidence of ash or the fire blazes on and gets bigger and bigger to the point of no return.

Niall sadly took the forest fire path when Zayn walked in. Niall froze seeing Zayn casually take a seat while pulling his hoodie up and sunglasses on trying to disguise himself as best as he can. Harry strode over to Zayn ready to take his order but also chat a bit since no one was here yet.

Niall pulled out his phone texting Zayn the truth and to go along with his lie.

"When is your next concert I was thinking of taking Louis to one for a date but I don't know when that is yet." Zayn shook his head staring at his phone under the table then looking up raising his brow at Niall.

"I uh honestly don't know yet, I just started writing the lyrics for the songs for the next album so I honestly don't know. Probably another year till I have another concert as far as I know because I kind of wants to focus more on getting these things over with so I have more time to spend with my family and Niall." Harry nodded agreeing then getting up after taking Zayn's order.

"I'm using my break to walk Louis home cover for me." Niall never got to protest before Harry took off his apron leaving the building with Louis holding his hand tagging along.

Zayn walked over to the counter taking a seat in front of Niall.

"Why are you keeping the recording? Is there something wrong with it? Oh please don't tell me that you messed it up with like I don't know a porn sounded over it." Niall blushed shaking his head and hands in front of him.

"No! I uh, the recording is fine. Its perfect actually I just..." 'Geez how do you tell your boyfriend you want to keep the recording of your crush singing without sounding like a total freak?'

"I need to make a copy of it and I don't want to use your money anymore." 'Please believe it you always do so do it now.' Zayn shrugged taking the final sip of his drink and throwing it in the trash.

"Well, I'm bored so Imma go home. See you after work." Zayn leaned over the counter kissing Niall on the lips then leaving.

Niall truly hated himself right now, it was hard to tell when Zayn was mad because he was so used to keeping a straight face for the public that he did it to Niall all the time so he doesn't know what he's thinking of feeling.

'I hope he isn't mad at me.'

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now