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It was frustrating to say the least, Christmas was coming up which made customers come in and stay longer which wasn't good for business. Yeah sure they had free wifi but only if you're in the building not outside.

Harry and Niall sighed sweatdropping when they looked around at the busy place. People in every single table even some at the bar, they didn't serve alcohol here mainly because no one wanted that stuff in a place where children loved to get sweet muffins and chocolate milk.

"Hey you two gayfers, I would like my coffee now!" Harry looked to Niall who looked back, both rushing to put their finger to their nose but some little kid grabbed Niall's arm slowing him down.

"Excuse me Mr can I order something? My mommy gave me money to do by myself." Niall looked to Harry with a smirk nodding his head to the direction of the man that demanded his drink.

"I guess you get to deal with male buffy I get to make hot chocolate. Get to it Styles." Niall laughed jumping over the counter getting to work.

Harry sighed walking over to the man at the bar taking out his notebook.

"Hi, I'm Harry can I take your order?"


Niall finally gave the song to Louis. Well sort of, he edited the song to make it sound not as good. He made Louis voice sound manlier but still himself, and have a sort of puberty voice added to it. Louis enjoyed it but still chose to listen to the other one.

Niall had to in his opinion if Louis heard the original he might post it to youtube and then all things would turn to shit for him. Louis' career would start to work and Niall would lose Louis again.

So that's where Louis was, in his apartment with Harry listening to the song for the first time. He hated it.

"How does Harry like this voice?" Louis frowned turning off the song and deleting it from his phone.

"The original is way better, now I know to not sing it out loud." Louis pouted slouching on the couch arms crossed over his chest.


Harry and Niall were still swamped even when it was time for them to have their breaks. Since they had to call in backup it still didn't help. They only had two cash registers, three ovens, and three microwaves, and two giant fridges, it still wasn't enough to calm the large crowd of angry customers.

"Niall are you sure we can't close the shop for the rest of the day?" Harry asked glad they finally got to have a break with all the customers finally satisfied.

"If we do we have to deal with our boss having a giant fit over us closing early, and we can't make up some lame ass excuse like last time. You know he won't fall for it." Harry groaned deflating behind the counter and army crawling under it to hide for a bit.

Niall watched pathetically as his co-worker and best friend tried to crawl away from the biggest problems they had to face right now.

"If boss came here every day like he was supposed to and saw you acting like this he would fire you and possibly ban you from ever coming here again." Harry froze and shot up only to hit his head and fall back down rubbing the growing skin colored bump forming on his head.

"Simon you're stupid." Niall groaned looking away placing his hand on the side of his head.


The day went on slowly, it seemed like one minute to the two boys and the rest of the co-workers was like an hour. One minute it was like bliss silence, no one coming to the counter asking for food and drinks, and then the next some raging person would be yelling at them demanding that they wanted what they wanted right then and there!

Niall and Harry slumped back to back. Their clothes were dirty with crumbs, chocolate marks, and coffee stains.

"Is the day over yet? I just wanna go home to Louis and possibly get my willy sucked for the night." Niall grimaced looking away, always hating when Harry got any chance to brag about his love life with Louis.

'Stupid cunt why do you have to brag about what I want?' Harry stared at Niall confused as the Irish man pouted crossing his arms.

"Are you okay? Sorry if it bothers you when I talk about that stuff. I just thought it was okay since your gay as well." Niall silently nodded not ready to face him yet.

Harry stood up brushing whatever crumbs he could off his apron. Niall watched Harry walk out of the locker room heading back to the war on the other side of this wall that they call work.

'If I keep this up Harry is gonna know, I can't lose what little I have of being able to even contact him. If I lose that I don't think I could stand it. Zayn is just my band-aid, I can rip it off whenever I want but when it gets too used it will fall off and the wound will still be there but covered in a scar that I don't want to see. Louis is the only thing that can make that scar go away.'

"Niall we need backup." Niall nodded getting up and joining Harry to serve the customers what they wanted.

Forgetful (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now