Hold My Hand

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I'm an orphan. There I said it. I hate it, but it's all I've ever known. The plain gray walls, crappy bed sheets and tpillows, the gray and black clothes we had to wear. Not to mention the food that tasted and smelled like puke. That was gray too.

My life kind of sucked, even being in the orphanage. My parents got rid of me right away. Literally. The only family I knew was my aunt, and she hated everything about me. Her solution was to ship me to England and live in a crummy house. Everyone told me that it was going to be fine, well it wasn't. I'm the only one left in this place, I'm still waiting. Time is running out though. I'm supposed to be out when I'm 18 years old, that's only in a few months.

"Millie, get up!" the crazy lady that ran this place yelled. She stomped into my room, and flipped me out of bed. The hard wood floor coming in contact with my face.

"Come on, lets do our chores." she said. I got up and got into my plain clothes.

I scrubbed the toilets with a toothbrush, made all the beds. Even if they haven't been touched in years.

"Finally," Mrs.Fudge said (the crazy lady that ran this dump). "will you run down I Starbucks and get some coffee, here's 5 dollars. Bring back all the change!" She yelled as I ran out the door.

I bought her usual, longing for the cinnamon rolls steaming on the counter.

I sighed and walked towards the door. I felt the coffee slip out my hand and on to the floor.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" a tall boy said. He had blue eyes, and light brown hair that swooped over his face.

"It's okay, as long as it didn't get on my shirt. My mother would kill me." he smiled, but Mrs.Fudge would dump me in the streets with no hesitation.

"No, I'll buy you a new one."he said, before I could reject he was at the front counter. He handed me some cups.

"Thank you," I said and began walking out the door again.

I was walking along, then I felt a strong hand grasp my arm.

"Hey, I never learned your name." the boy said.

"Millie, and yours is?"

"Louis," he said. I smiled and walked along. He was still by my side. "So, where do you live?"

"Um, you can't come. Its...... um..." she would kill the both of us.

"It's okay, see ya later." he said and turned to walked back down the street.

She was very mad when I got home. Bills and all that shit. She took it out on me of course. Smacking me, and beating me.

At these moments I want a hand to help me up. Get me out of this awful stage of what my life is everyday. A hand that would never let go like everyone else. Something I myself let go of.

That night I found my self thinking of Louis. Repeating his name over and over. I shook it out quickly. He would never care, so forgetting would protect myself from getting hurt, again.

The next morning I had to get some fruit for the devil. It was by the dress shop. There was a dress in the window that they kept up for me because they know my story.

The dress was purple, the puffy part had little sparkles in it. It stretched down to my knees.

I starred at the dress. Imaging my dark curly hair falling on my shoulders. All eyes on me, a boy asking me to dance in the center of the room.

I sighed and walked to the store. On the way back I saw Louis. When he turned he ran up to me.

"Want some help?" he asked, I shook my head. "Oh c'mon. I notice that you don't let anyone help you. Why not?"

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