Chapter 19: Stupid Stupid

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Timmy and Claire sat together on the couch. They looked worried, as if their hole world was ending. I walked over to them. Pulling a chair up in front of them.

"What's up with you two?" I asked, they looked terrified. Mostly Claire, and Timmy looked some what nervous, but very worried.

"Um, Dad, Claire is......." he trailed off. I couldn't help but think of the next word he was going to say, but I tried to tell my self that it would never happen. Timmy wouldn't be so stupid, neither would Claire. But the word did come out. "pregnant." I should have expected it. Kids these days are doing stupid shit more and more. Even the greatest kids can find themselves like this. And I felt like it was particularly my fault. What if Timmy had taken after me on purpose, or was it just some stupid mistake?

"How?" I asked, they looked at each other. Discussing silently who would explain.

"While you were at the psychiatrist, we kind of got into the cellar, and tried a few things. Then, we did it, with out protection, and now....." this made it worse. It was the same way Millie had gotten pregnant.

"Alright," was all I said. I stood up, and started walking towards the door. .They looked surprised.

"You aren't angry?" Timmy asked.

"No, just worried." I didn't want to explain why. I didn't want to terrify them anymore than they already were.

"Dad," I turned around. "I'm sorry." I nodded, and walked out. Driving to Harry'a place. Maybe discussing this with a friend would help. I didn't want to bother Dr. Calder. We had only met just yesterday, I didn't want to make the impression of some crazy man who was obsessed with his wife, and has the most dramatic life possible.

"Louis!" Niall answered the door, I stepped in. All the boys were there. I felt a little hurt. Why wasn't I invited. Then I remembered that I had smashed my phone in anger a while ago, and never replaced it. Harry, and none of the boys probably had time to come over. Maybe they thought I wouldn't want them over. They all seem excited to see me, but soon realized that I wasn't here to party. Liam moved a little on the couch to make some room for me. Harry, Zayn, and Niall sat across.

"Timmy and Claire told me this morning that she was pregnant. While I was at a psychiatrist appointment they went into the cellar, and did it. Now their little mistake got them both into a little trouble." I explained my situation. For a little while no one said anything.

"Are you mad?" Liam asked.

"No, just worried. Because me and Millie had gotten drunk and did it. Now she's dead, of corse I didn't tell them this. There already scarred enough!" once gain there was silence.

"We'll help!" Niall said, I smiled over at him. Now it was party time. We talked a while, and played stupid games like we did when we tried to become a band. It failed, and luckily we stayed together.

After a few hours I drove home. Timmy and Claire still on the couch. They both still looked terrified. I said goodnight, and then went into my bedroom. Laying in bed, and closing my eyes. Instead if seeing Millie I saw the night mare of her death again, but this time it was Claire. And when she died Timmy shot through the door outraged. People had to hold him back. It was awful. Seeing my son like that, even though it was just a dream. I shot up, breathing hard. I laid back down. Starring up at the ceiling fan. My heart racing, but slowing down after a few minutes had passed. I closed my eyes once more. This time I saw Millie. She had we feet in a river, splashing them back and forth. Smiling up at the dragon flies and the little fish swimming against the current. I rolled my pants up, and slid my shoes off. Then joining her.

"Everything will work out." she said. There always seemed some kind of drama in my life. Simple thugs turned into the hardest task.

"It just seems like their taking after us. I don't Timmy to go through what we had too, and then having Claire die......" Millie kissed my cheek.

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