Chapter 21: Finally

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Shit, it was happening. It was all happening so fast. It was coming. Three months had passed by so quickly. Now I stood with Timmy in the waiting room. Claire was giving birth, right on the due date. Thank god, at least she'll survive. Timmy was standing, while I sat. I felt some fingers lock with mine, I turned and saw a out line. She was there. Millie was here with me. Good, I needed it. I felt her soft lips touch my cheek, and it lingered. I expected her warmth to disappear, but it didn't. Instead it stayed until a nurse walked out.

"Are you the father?" she asked Timmy, he nodded, ordering with his hand for me to come. Millie tagged along, I wonder if she was obvious to other people? Or was it just me? Whatever, she was here. In the real world, with me. Holding my hand the same way we used, if only I could actually see her instead of an outline.

Claire held a little baby girl in her arms, looking sweetly down at her. Would Millie have that same look? I realized that I had missed a whole lot of other thinks from Millie's death. Like the way she looked down at the baby, her excitement when Timmy would have started walking, how excited she would be to hear his first word. If she sung him lullabies, or read him stories. I had missed out on many other things. Millie's outline leaned her head on my shoulder, our hands still locked together.

"What's her name?" the nurse asked, Timmy and Claire looked at each other.

"Um, how about....." I remembered the name Millie had wanted to name a baby girl. "Dad, any ideas?"

"Skylar." they nodded their heads. Millie gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek. It came to my attention that I was now a grandfather, and now I was about to miss on a whole bunch of other things. Like Millie feeling insecure about being a grandmother, and so happy when they came over. Why did my life have to be so miserable? More sadness over took me as I felt Millie's outline disappear. Now I stood alone, watching as Claire and Timmy coo over Skylar. "Would you like to hold her?" Timmy lifted the baby up, handing her to me. I moved from side to side, keeping my eyes on the baby. I noticed Timmy's nose, which was Millie's. Everything now reminded me of Millie, there was no possible way of getting her face out of my mind. No hope.

A few days had passed. The house was quite with Timmy at the hospital with Claire and she obviously couldn't leave. I had seen Millie's outline more often. I asked Eleanor about it and she seemed a little worried. I knew it wasn't normal, it wasn't even normal to actually talk about your daily life with your dead partner. Maybe I was crazy, and I may be going into depression. Or not, cause then I wouldn't be able to see Millie at all. No one knew about the outlines besides Eleanor. If I told Timmy he might freak out and then he might block me out again. Or my friends might think I'm crazy and get me to a mental hospital where I may end up forgetting about Millie forever.

After a few more days Timmy and Claire returned with Skylar. She had beautiful blue eyes like Claire, and had brown hair like mine and Timmy's. The two walked in together, both unable to stay away from the baby.

"Do your parents know about the baby?" I asked, after all this I would expect a very angry man at my front door. Maybe even find myself in court because of some stupid man suing me. Because, you know, I'm Timmy's father, and I should be punished for his existence. Asshole.

"Um...... no." Claire blushed a little. It was pretty smart not to tell him, just so everyone stayed alive. I was taken a back at Timmy's comment.

"Maybe we should tell them." he said. Claire and I both gave him the 'are you stupid?' look. "What!"

"Timmy, my parents would kill all of us!" Claire said. "They probably wouldn't even like her."

"Maybe they would, how about we just give it a try. If there is any blood there is the police." I said in a humorous way, but the two seemed too nervous to find anything funny. They looked down at the baby as if it was the last time they would ever see her. Maybe it was, but I would never let that happen! They were adults! Claire's parents no longer were in charge of her. "Here, if it makes you feel better I'll call myself." I began to reach for the phone, but Timmy stopped me.

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