Chapter 6: Arrest

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I really hope your enjoying my story! I know it's not the best, but it's my first, so I hope you enjoy what I have right now:D



Louis' warm arm was still wrapped around me when I woke up. I flipped over, thankfully not disturbing him. I ran my hand through his hair. His long eye lashes pressed together, as if they were one. The light from the sun making it look as if there were no flaw on his beautiful face. He was truly beautiful, and I was lucky enough to have him love me.

Louis' beautiful blue eyes opened drowsily. They met mine, and a small smile crossed his face. I smiled back.

"Ready to go home?" he asked, I nodded. We climbed back into the front seats and drove home.

Police cars scattered the front lawn, and policeman walked around the house. Louis and I shot out, running toward one of the police officers. We were still dressed in our bawl clothing.

"Excuse me officer, why are you here?" I asked the in the politesse ton I could.

"Do you live here?" the officer asked, I nodded my head. "Are you Millie Markham?" the officer asked. I didn't want to answer. But I nodded my head, looking at the ground. My hands were put behind my back, I felt cold handcuffs surrounded my wrists. The click of them locking, and then officers escorted me to the police car.

"Don't take her, please!" I heard Louis protest. I looked over my shoulder. Louis tried pushing through the officers, but they blocked him. I saw a tear fall down his face as the car drove away.

The station took a pictures, and then stuck me in one of the cells. I had never been so terrified in my entire life. Two girls were in the same cell as me. One had long dark hair, and was very tall compared to me. She was picking something out of her teeth, and spit at the ground. The other had short blond hair and was tall as well. She picked at her nails. Some even came off, and she only dropped them to the floor. I felt like puking, how could anyone love I these conditions?

The food was even worse. Stale bread, almost rotting meat, and water with body parts in it.

It felt like weeks before my trial. Maybe I could get out of this hell.

I sat next to my internee, Paul. Louis told me about his friend. I looked over my shoulder, spotting Louis in the back. There were dark rings around his eyes, and they were glassy as if he had t gotten any sleep. He looked sad, as of all happiness was gone. His sweatshirt was covered in dirt, and his hair was matted together with mud and dirt.

"He was so sad that you were taken away, he can't think straight." Paul whispered in my ear. I took one last look of Louis before turning back around.

Everything felt as if it was against me. Like the judge had already made up her mind. To send me to prison for life.

"Millie Marie Markham, will you and your team stand." the judge said. I was so nervous, I could see the words coming out, how they would sound, and how heartbroken Louis would be. Saying good bye to me, and dying without him. Cold instead of warm, hurt instead of sweet. "I am declaring you not guilty."

"What!" the opposite team said. I was shocked my self.

"This was years ago, and she may have done it but I'm not outing her in prison. She will do community work for Mrs. Fudge." shit. I mentally whispered. I think I liked prison better. Louis didn't looks happy either, but it's better than never seeing him again.



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