Chapter 14: Secrets

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I was right about the teen years. Timmy was a little embarrassed about me. I know I was protective, but it was hard to control. Timmy always wore a black hoodie, and I was worrying about him. He was constantly texting, and I only saw his smile then. Never did he smile while talking to me, and he rarely even talked to me. If I tried he would go to his room, and close the door.

Timmy was at school, so I decided to clean his room a little. Which never happened. The green stayed on the walls, but I was never allowed to repaint the walls, causing the colors to fade. It was covered with posters of rock bands, and he had a black electric guitar in the corner. Some other things as well. I looked under his bed, and found a box. I brought it out from under, and opened it. Inside was him, with some girl. He looked normal, happy. He wasn't wearing his sweatshirt, a blue t-shirt, and some shorts. His hair looked the same, and I saw me and Millie in his facial features. The girl that e had his arm wrapped around had blonde hair. Curly, dipped dyed purple. With blue eyes, and very nice, white teeth making her smile beautiful. I looked at the other pictures. It seemed to be over a few years, and I wondered how log they had been dating. Why didn't Timmy tell me?

"Dad! Don't look at that!" I spun around. Timmy took the box from my hands. Once again, in his black sweatshirt, hood up. "Don't come in here! Don't look at anything!" I was surprised by his anger.

"I-I'm sorry," I said. "Who's that girl?" Timmy sat on his bed. "You can tell me, I'm not mad." I sat next to him.

"She's my girlfriend." his eyes on the closed box. "Her name is Claire, and we've been together for two years."

"So you started dating when you were 13?" Timmy nodded his head.

"How come you never told me?"

"I guess, I just found it a little weird." he said with a smile, I nudged him.

"You can tell me anything. I don't want you to hide anything from me, especially if it gets you out of that dirty sweatshirt." I pulled down his good and messed up his hair.

"What was mom like?" he asked suddenly.

"Um...... first off she was gorgeous. Her laugh made any day better. If she was laughing you just had to laugh along with her. She had long eye lashes, and she had beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Like yours. Her teeth were white, and one bottom tooth was just a little crooked. Her hair was long, dark, and curly. She sometimes talked in her sleep, and simple things made her so happy. Like butterflies, bubbles, flowers, bows, even frogs! Her hands, legs, and feet were so soft. Her sneezes were so quite, and she acted like se started a tornado. Se loved going outside bare foot after it rained, because she liked the grass wet between her feet. She loved thunder storms, and the smell of rain. I loved watching her play piano, we did it together all the time. I taught her how to play guitar, and when she got frustrated her eye brows got all close. She got so excited when she did something right......." I trailed off, looking over at Timmy. It was clear that he had been listening to every single word, intently. "Se would freak out if someone tried to squish a spider, but it was fine when she squished them. Her least favorite thing to do was clean, and....... I don't know how much you want to know about her."

"That's enough. I learned a lot. I'll learn more over time." he smiled at me.

"Why don't you invite Claire over." Timmy nodded, and ran into the living room. I heard him dial, and there was a moment of silence. He sounded so happy talking to her, and I just sat on his bed listening. I didn't know what Claire was saying, but everything out of Timmy's mouth was happy.

"She'll be over in a few minutes." I nodded and left his room. Beginning to cook dinner. I was cooking tacos, adding the sauce to give the cooked met flavor. The door bell rang. I allowed Timmy to go get it. I turned around, they were hugging. I smiled, and then turned the heat down. When they finished I said something.

"Hello," I waved at Claire.

"Hey," she said, they sat on the couch and talked. I couldn't help eves dropping.

"My dad doesn't really want me over here." Claire said.

"Why doesn't he like me?" Timmy asked.

"I don't know, but my parents seem to hate you. I don't know why."

"We haven't done anything wrong."

"I know, but......." she trailed off, and I stopped listening.

After we sat around the table, eating our tacos. My focus was on Claire, I needed to learn about this girl.

"So how old are you Claire?" I asked.

"The same age as Timmy. I'm 2 months younger." I nodded my head.

I learned a lot about her. She loves guitar, and she has lovely voice. She doesn't mind getting dirty, but she still likes to be clean. She wants to become an artist when she grows up, but her parents want her to be a lawyer. Her parents sound very controlling, which doesn't sound very fun. She said that the most fun that she's ever had was when she was with Timmy. I sat at the piano. They were in Timmy's room. I pressed one key. Then I started to play one of Millie's favorite sings to play on the piano. She had taught it to me. Over the years we taught each other songs on the piano was her specialty, mine was the guitar, but we both became a specialist in both. Even though I already was in piano! After I finished the song I bent my head. And started to cry.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Timmy asked from behind. I turned my head. Claire stood a few feet away, Timmy by my side. I whipped my years away with the back of my hand. A smile crossing my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

"What you played was really pretty." Claire said all of a suddenly. I thanked her, and se walked over. Her hand entwining with Timmy's. her flip flops slapping in the wood. I played a few more songs, and they danced around a room. Laughing as Timmy tripped over his and her feet a few times. I drive Claire home. They sat in the back seats. We all sang to songs in a silly manner, and them I pulled up to a big house. About three stories high, all white. There was a long road up to it, trees lining up to it, a fountain up front. The pillars as stairs up to the front door were marble. I waited till Claire was inside before leaving. Timmy crawled into the front seat.

"Well, I like her." I smiled, Timmy smiled.

"Thanks, her parents really hate me." Timmy said.

"Well, they aren't giving you a chance. They don't know you the way I do." he looked over at me.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away." he said.

"It's okay. Me and your mom always said we would hold each others hands through everything. And we still do, and we hold yours. No matter how far you push us away." Timmy nodded, and I felt his hand fall on top of mines.

"Thanks dad." I smiled, and his hands removed from on top of mine.

"No problem. I love you, Timmy. It might be weird hearing it from your dad, but it's true." Timmy nodded, as it was silent the rest of the way home.





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