Chapter 3: Wanted

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Millie's POV:

After moving in with Louis I found myself falling for him more and more. That night he held me close and kissed my head I will never forget. We hadn't exchanged any connection like that sense. I didn't think I was even ready for a relationship. I was still trying I find my feet, and there was always someone after me. Even though I was no longer and orphan Mrs. Fudge was still in town. She still wanted to do everything in her power to hurt me.

I was still finding myself. I had a hard reality, but now it's a whole new world when your your own person. Mrs. Fudge paid for everything and did all that. I did all the labor, but now I had to find the money and still do all the labor. Here with Louis takes some if that responsibility off. He made sure I was always comfortable, and he was fun to be around.

I sat on the couch, looking over at the big square hole cut out to attach my room to. I found myself staring at Louis.

The sun beamed down on his tan sweaty shirtless body. His muscles flexed as he pounded on wood and lifted up heavy equipment. Mud covered his hands and some of his neck. With little flecks of dirt covering his torso, arms, face, and neck. He squinted his eyes from the beams if sunlight as he worked. Louis walked over to a water bottle and poured it over his head. The water trickling off his hair and down his body.

"Want some help!?" I mentally slapped myself. Why did I ask that?

"No, I'm fine." I walked out the front of the house and to the side where Louis couldn't see me. I got the hose and sprayed water on his back. He jumped and spun around. I giggled, a smile crossing his face.

"Your going to get it!" he said, then through mud at me. I laughed as I dropped the hose and threw mud at him. Mud covered our bodies, the water steaming from the hose creating a huge mess. As I turned he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, and swung me around. I couldn't help laughing, I could barely breath, I saw Louis smile down at me.

We stood close together, he starred down at me. His hands rubbing my arm as I looked in his blue eyes. I broke away, and looked shyly down at the ground. Why did I do that? When I looked up I saw hurt in his eyes, but he blinked it away.

"I- I'll be inside." he nodded and started pounding on the wood again. I sipped my tea again, siting at the round table.

A few hours had passed before Louis came back inside. He gave me a small smile as he went to take a shower. I put my face in my palms. I was such an idiot. Louis cared about me, yet I push him away at times.

I don't let him cook for me, and I get annoyed when he tries to help. This is as much help I've allowed anyone to do for me.


I was walking home from work when I noticed my name on the local billboard. It had missing pet signs, newspaper articles, and news. My face was on a 'Wanted' sign. I had supposedly murdered someone, and if someone turns me in they'll receive €500,000.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath. It was probably Mrs Fudge coming after me. I ran back to Louie's house.

"Louis, don't turn me in don't turn me in! Please she's after me!" Louis held me in his arms.

"What is it? Why would I turn you in?" he asked, his voice smooth, calming me a little.

"There's a wanted sign, saying I murdered someone."

"Why would I turn you in for something you didn't do?" the problem was that I did.

Back when I lived in America kids bullied me. One girl said that her dad would kill me. The thought scarred me, so the only way that my nerves would calm down was if I killed him first. I snuck into the girls house, I had never been so scared in my life. A knife in my hand, I crept over to the bed. Then it just all happened. I stabbed his wife, and him right in the heart. And then I did something I regret and will for the rest of my life. I murdered the girl and her younger sister. I didn't tell anyone. I told my aunt I was running away. She was the only family I had left, and she did truly love me. I cried with her when I said good bye and the airport. She gave me a scrape book. With all the fun times they had, and my parents were in it as well. That's when she told me what really happened to them.

When I was only a year old they were driving home from a party, and a car had crashed into the side, causing it to flip.

I had hugged my aunt hard, and then left for London. I had told everyone this, except Louis. It was to painful. I would have to tell him.

"But I did," we sat on the couch and lured out the whole truth. Why I was in London, and how I truly was a murderer. "I'm so sorry for lying to you." I said through tears. Louis starred at the ground, not even holding my hand.

"Why did you lie to me, why did you lie to everyone?" I could hear the rising anger in his voice.

"I-I didn't. I only told you that other story....... it hurt to much to tell the story again." he stood up, anger showing in his boy position. His fits clasped together, his jaw tight, and it looked as if he was holding his breath.

"Get out." he said, his voice cracked. His eyes showed that he was hurt, but it darkened, hiding behind anger. I didn't move, I couldn't. "Get out!" his voice cracked again as he yelled. Tears fell down his cheeks, I ran out. Letting my own tears escape from my eyes.

I walked down to the seaport. Where I bought myself a ticket to America. Only some money and the clothes with me I would take back to America. I didn't no where I was going, just somewhere I couldn't hurt anyone. Away from Louis, away from this town. Where I could start all over.

I saw the wanted sign on the window, I took it down and ripped it into shreds. None of this would've happened if they didn't try to find me now? Why did I even kill them? She was my best friend. We were just kids. We smoked weed, and my friends father wasn't happy, so he wanted to kill me. But then I killed my best friend....... and her family.


I know a little confusing!!:D

Hope you liked it though.Xx.


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