Chapter 7: Maid

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I packed when Louis and I got home. We will only be able to visit or another once ad a while, and only call each other until face to face. We both knew that new bruises would form on my skin, but it was better than never seeing each other ever again.

A butler came to pick me up. Louis gave me a same hug.

"I love you," the words came out. The words Louis whispered I never thought would ever be spoken. Especially from someone like Louis. I didn't think about the words that came out from my mouth. There was no thinking to do. I felt the same.

"I love you, too." I knew he was smiling, and so was I. We kissed one last time before I sat in the car. Waving good bye to Louis as the car drove away.


Mrs. Fudge sent me to work right away. The usual, except worse. Scrubbing the kitchen tiles with a toothbrush, and shopping for her. Grabbing her coffee, then going back to do more work. I talked to Louis on the phone for an hour every night.

"I'm gonna go call Louis." I said one night.

"No your not." Mrs. Fudge said, I was surprised. "That boy is distracting you from doing work." she said, taking the phone from my hand. "You can't speak to him ever again." se smashed the phone under her foot. I dropped to the floor on my knees. Tears lightly from my eyes. I couldn't speak to him. Knowing Mrs. Fudge he wouldn't be allowed to come to visit either.



I hadn't heard from Millie for three weeks, and next week I would visit her. Why wasn't she calling? I tried calling her but it said her number no longer existed. She was with Mrs. Fudge but could she do that to Millie. He no longer owned Millie, but was she still treating my girlfriend like shit? Awful thoughts went through me head. Where was Millie? Was she alright? How many bruises and scars are there? Is she starving? All those things had happened before, they could defiantly happen now.

My worry led me to the train station. I caught a train to London. I asked around where Mrs. Fudge lived. People looked frightened when I said her name. How many people had this woman tortured? After asking they didn't answer, and I walked away. Finally one woman was brave enough to tell me.

"She lives at the end of the street. The biggest house hear, a part from the castle of course!" the woman was very polite. "That Mrs. Fudge has a new young girl, that apparently owned before. The girl is starving, and she comes out with some kind of new injury. Pour thing, I give her some food, but it's not enough to keep her healthy." Millie was starving! The woman must have seen my concern. "Do you know that girl?" I nodded my head. "She's your girlfriend, isn't she?" I nodded again, she have me a sympathetic smile. I thanked her and walked down the street.

I knocked on the door. A little terrified of who would answer. Millie opened the door. She was thin, her hair matted together, her palms and legs covered in dirt, bruises and scars covered her legs face and arms.

"Louis!" she said, flinging her arms around my neck. I had to get out of shock before I wrapped my arms around her waist. Mrs. Fudge stormed in the doorway.

"Get out of here!" The woman pushed us a part, shoeing me away.

"No!" Millie caught Mrs. Fudge's arm. Mrs. Fudge's arm flung up, smacking Millie in the face. She fell to the ground, where Mrs. Fudge kicked her. Blood fell on the sidewalk. People avoided the street, and I fought back.

"Stop it! Your going to kill her!" I yelled pushing Mrs. Fudge stood back stunned. I stood in front of Millie's broken body. "What did she ever do to you!"

"Step back, no one disrespects me." she said. Her voice cold, ready to kill both of us.

"I will, this girl has done nothing to you! Why abuse her! I fact this is beyond abuse!" I continued.

"That thing made me lose my daughter! She was born from one, and then other commuted suicide!" I was confused, Millie did too. "My daughter gave birth to her, and then after she left her aunt, my other daughter, she commuted suicide!" that means Mrs. Fudge is Millie's grandmother.

We sat inside the house. Listening to Mrs. Fudge. I had called the police without them knowing, this woman needed to be put behind bars. They knocked on the door, storming in.

"You can't take me! I will murder you! Millie, I'm going to kill you, you little shit!" Millie ran in my arms in fear, I wrapped my arms around her. Letting her know no one will get her. "Louis, your going to go to hell!" she screamed as they carried her into the car. She protested, thrashing and yelling the wort things.

I rubbed Millie's back. I could hear her sobs, unable to process all this. Her grandmother ha tried to kill her, and her aunt had commuted suicide.

"My aunt is dead, and it's all my fault." she said.

"Everything happens for a reason. It was her choice to commit it, and this way she can watch you with your mother and father forever." it was all I could say to soothe her. Nothing could really help. "We can catch a train in a few days, unless you want to go know." I offered, doing anything to make her happy.

"Let's stay for a few days." she said, and I carried her down to the bakery, bridal style. The woman gave us a table in the corner. We sat there for a while, eating a lot of the goodies in the bakery. Millie wanted to dig in but didn't, it was easy to see that she could eat the entire world.

They went to the movies, and walked around town. Snow started falling, and Christmas were already up. Th lights in London were beautiful, sparkling in Millie's eyes. I wonder how many Christmas gifts she's ever gotten, and if she has ever had lights and a Christmas tree.


We were finally home, slinking in the couch.

"When are you going to finish that room?" she laughed at the big hole in the wall. I just needed to put up walls, and insert windows. The floor was already in, and a roof was on it.

"We can go get some wall and window supplies so I can finish it by Christmas." I said, she nodded and went to our room to sleep. I stood in the unfinished room, sitting on the edge. Looking forward, at the forest. Picturing my future with Millie. Kids running around, Millie running after them. Laughing and ticking. Water spraying everywhere in the summer. Chasing butterflies in day, fireflies at night. Cooking s'mores in the fire, playing in the river. Jumping in piles of leaves in autumn, throwing snowballs in winter. Finger painting, and making mud pies. The kids' first steps, and watching them grow.

I stood up after thinking of it. I wanted to stay with Millie for the rest if my life. Growing old with her watching noir kids grow, and saying hello to grand kids. I loved Millie. There was no doubt about it.

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