Chapter One: The Mother/Daughter Reunion

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Emma Swan kicked the flat tire of her car with frustration and took out her cell phone, called the tow truck, and then called her coworker to come pick her up. She was going to be late for work. "Hey Shells, got a flat, need a ride. No I already called a tow truck. Yeah, you know that joint by Sal's Cleaners, yes that's the one. Great see you soon." She hung up just as someone called out to her.

"Buy you a drink sweetcheeks?" Emma turned to look at the guy. He wasn't bad looking, too bad she didn't have time to accept drinks from her competition. She smirked. "No thanks. This isn't my scene. My ride's coming." She left a card at the bar and took off. She was a little hungry and had grabbed a cupcake. It was her birthday today. She could have accepted a drink but she didn't want to. She smirked, seeing the candle that had come with it. She lit it and made a wish. Then she blew it out and licked the frosting.

"Hey Charlie, that was Emma Swan. She owns that bar and tattoo shop over in Hanover Street."

"That Crimson Alley location? She owns that entire area. Damn." Charlie shook his head. He couldn't believe he had tried to hit up on her.

Shelley picked Emma up and smiled at her boss. "You'll never guess what happened, someone…"

The moment Emma got into the car, she noticed Shelley wasn't alone. There was a kid sitting in the back seat. He couldn't have been more than 9 or 10 years old. She turned in her seat and looked at the kid who was grinning at her.

Emma blinked before she eyed Shelley. "What is…"

Shelley had an apologetic smile on her face. "This kid insisted that he needed to come with me to pick you up. Says he knows you."

Emma's jaw dropped as she looked at the boy again. "Who are you? I don't think we met."

The boy grinned. "Are you Emma Swan?"

Emma nodded. "Yeah, who are you?"

He smiled again. "My name's Henry. I'm your son."

Emma's eyes grew wider. "Um… I don't…"

Henry smiled. "Did you give birth to a baby 10 years ago? That was me."

"Listen kid, it's not a good time today. What's your phone number? I'm going to call your parents and we can get this straightened out…" Emma started.

Henry shook his head. "No you can't. My mom will kill me. I don't have a dad. But you can take me home."

Emma looked over at Shelley who was grinning. "So looks like you got a kid yeah?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Look Kid… My car is in the shop until later. You can't just show up and expect me to drop everything just because you decided coming here was a good idea…"

"I have a name. Its Henry. You need to take me back to Storybrooke, Maine. Your family is there. You don't remember who you are, but once you come with me…"

They arrived at the bar/tattoo parlor that she owned. Shelley looked at Emma. "I'm going to check the inventory. Just let me know when you need a ride to your car. Good luck with your kid." She winked as she took off.

Emma looked at Henry. "You know you really shouldn't be here, you're not old enough." She pulled him upstairs to where she lived above the bar. "How did you find out about me?"

Henry walked over to the fridge to see what he could drink. He noticed some orange juice and there was nothing else in there. He noticed Emma had no food whatsoever. He shrugged and drank some orange juice from the carton. "I just sort of always knew I was adopted. It wasn't too hard to find you." The book he had in his bag was very special and it told him where to find Emma. He wasn't about to tell her that because he knew she wouldn't have believed him if he told her.

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