Chapter Five: Sisters Reunion

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As Emma and Regina ate their breakfast with Maleficent and Henry, Emma brought up the possibility of opening up a tattoo parlor. She had visited the local bar and being that she had experienced owning and operating a bar, she had thought about the changes she could make there as well. She shared her ideas with Regina.

Henry asked, "Can I have a tattoo?"

Emma shook her head, "Maybe when you turn 16 if you have your mother's permission, otherwise it's probably not a good idea to get one until you turn 18." She advised.

"But you're my mother. You could give me permission." Henry said to Emma.

"Yes, but I didn't raise you, young man. She did. So what she says goes and you'd do well to listen to her." Emma pointed out, bringing a smile to Regina's face. She loved what Emma had said and it only served to cinch things for her.

Regina kissed Emma before she looked at their son. "Maybe if you bring home perfect grades, I will consider giving you permission once you turn 16." She smiled, giving Henry the incentive he needed to make it happen.

Henry grinned, perking up. "It's a deal!" He finished his breakfast and grabbed his bag, kissing and hugging his family before he took off for school. He was glad it was a Friday.

Regina chuckled. "Let me make a couple calls and see about initiating these changes for you, Emma." She winked as she agreed to the requests Emma had made.

Maleficent smiled knowingly at her daughter. "You've got your family wrapped around your talon." She winked. "I cannot wait until Lily comes home soon. Only then, will our family finally be whole."

Emma smiled at her mother. "Lily is going to be so surprised. The last time I saw her, we left on not so pleasant terms. This time, it will be different since I know she is my sister."

"You'll do fine darling. Dragons are fiercely protective of family. That's why you connected with her easily. I believe a part of you two knew there was this unbreakable bond between you." Maleficent assured her.

Shortly after they talked, Regina returned. "I've spoken with the manager of The White Rabbit. And I have made some requests. Monday you will meet with them regarding new ownership of that bar and the new Tattoo Parlor that will be set up right next door. They are yours." She grinned, at the look on Emma's face.

"Are you kidding me? That was fast!" Emma was thoroughly floored.

"Only the best for you dear. I saw your work, remember? You deserve this. Henry told me about that bar you owned in Boston. And while I wish he had not gone there, I am glad he brought you here. He did say that the bar you owned was nothing like what we offer here, so I look forward to the additions you will bring to The White Rabbit." Regina smiled as she kissed her wife. She was pleased with the look on her face.

"You are the best. I promise you will not be disappointed, my Queen." Emma kissed her passionately.

Regina chuckled knowingly. "I believe you dear. Now shall we go get your sister and bring her home?"

Emma grinned. "Yes, let's go." She then hugged her mother who told them to drive safe. She could see how much Maleficent was looking forward to being reunited with Lily. It was also going to be a reunion with the sisters too.

Soon, they were on the road. Emma and Regina talked about everything that happened since she had moved to Storybrooke. Regina shared stories of Henry growing up and Emma shared her own stories of what it was like growing up, moving from foster home to foster home until she met Lily and how she met this one foster mother who wanted to adopt her, and she spoke of how Henry came to be.

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