Chapter Fivfthteen: Cora vs Snow

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After Cora got used to having her heart back, they were more than ready to get out of the office. Regina got what she needed and took care of it before she looked at everyone else there. "Let's go home. Lily will bring Henry home soon and besides, the festival is over. We need to catch Mother up on everything else."

Emma nodded, agreeing with her wife. She was glad Regina and Zelena would be able to have a second chance with their mother. She also knew that with time, Cora would remember what had happened. But now that she had her heart back in her chest, she hoped that Cora would not revert to her old ways and break her daughters' hearts. Maybe knowing her girls needed her and the fact she was a grandmother would be enough for Cora Mills. When she'd held Cora's heart in her hand, she'd seen the life Cora had led before she became the woman she was after she had removed her heart. She blamed Rumple for destroying Cora's chance to be the mother Regina and Zelena deserved. She would keep an eye on Cora just in case. Should anything happen, she would make sure Cora would never hurt her daughters again. She would help Cora to remember she was a mother. She wouldn't let her forget because the last thing Emma ever wanted was for Regina or Zelena to have their hearts broken again. Family needed to come first.

Regina called Lily and informed her that they would be headed home and to go ahead and meet them there. Ingrid was already at their place. Maleficent also informed Ingrid they were on their way home. They left in several different clouds of smoke, arriving at Regina and Emma's home. Not so long afterwards, Lily, Belle and Henry arrived.

Regina looked at their son when he arrived and beamed happily, glad that he was finally there. "Henry!"

Henry could see that something had changed with his mom and Aunt Zelena. They seemed happier and it seemed to have something to do with the older woman there. "What's going on Mom?" He asked.

Regina brought Cora over to Henry. "Henry, dear this is my mother Cora. She's your grandmother. Your mother helped us to reconcile with her." She smiled, looking at her mother. "This handsome young Prince is our son, Henry Mills." She chose not to say his middle name for obvious reasons, not wanting to trigger an unpleasant memory. She wanted them to have this happy moment without those dark foreboding memories interfering in their happy family reunion.

Emma noticed what her wife did and smiled as she looked at Cora and back at Henry. She noticed how happy Cora was to meet Henry.

Cora beamed as she hugged her grandson. "Oh! You were named after my husband. Your name suits you very well. It's truly a pleasure to meet you Henry. I look forward to getting to know everyone better."

Emma introduced Cora to her sister, Lily and to Ingrid. Lily in turn introduced Belle to Cora. Regina's mother couldn't help but to think Belle looked familiar to her.

Everyone got themselves comfortable as Regina started making dinner for them. Emma went to get plenty of wine for everyone, a combination of white or red wine. Regina had water to drink while Emma and Maleficent had their own special blood wine which was safe for their kind to drink even while pregnant. Henry got his own drink and went to play games until it was time for dinner. Zelena had invited Ruby to stay for dinner while Lily asked Belle to stay as well. As soon as dinner was ready,nthey called Henry and set the table and soon, everyone sat down to eat their meal.

Cora had some burning questions to ask, her curiosity piqued. "How did you and my daughters meet?" She asked Ruby and Emma.

Ruby answered first. "I work at Granny's diner. She's my grandmother. The Diner and the Bed and Breakfast is a family business. I also help Granny out at the Bed and Breakfast when I'm not working at the bar. Zelena came in to eat, bringing Henry. I'm a waitress there and well, we got talking." She smiled, sharing a look with Zelena.

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