Chapter Seventeen: The Revenge and The End

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A few days later, their plans to finally get the Charmings right where they wanted them was coming to fruition. It was time to turn Snow White and Prince Charming into humble servants. Seeing as Regina was still the Mayor of Storybrooke despite some objections from several inhabitants. She would call a town meeting. This way, she would ensure that everyone would show up. She made an announcement that should anyone decide to skip the meeting, they would be fined and arrested. They would do community service until their fines would be paid.

Emma grinned knowingly when she saw what Regina did to make sure they showed up. "That's absolute perfection, my Queen." She murmured, kissing her wife deeply and caressing her abdomen lovingly. "Time for everyone to see them as who they really are."

Maleficent had a dark smile on her face. She was looking forward to presenting her case and to seeing those idiots taken down a peg or two. "They would be foolish not to show up." Ingrid agreed with her.


The day of the town meeting finally arrived. Emma was there making sure they all showed up. Some of the citizens were grumbling about having been forced to show up. But the Swan-Mills meant serious business. Emma had appointed Mulan and Ruby and a few others as deputies for this meeting. Belle took notes for them as well.

As soon as Regina arrived, she brought order and began speaking as soon as Mulan and Ruby stood where they were needed. "Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for coming to this meeting." She gave the date and time that the meeting started. "Some people are here to file a grievance against Snow White and Prince Charming." She had a dark smile on her face when she heard gasps in the crowd.

"How dare they?! Who would go against Snow White? Why?! How can this be?! This is absurd!" Many were shocked and dismayed to hear that anyone would have something bad to say about their Queen.

"Quiet!" Regina shouted. She then looked at Emma and smiled at her wife. "Bring in the plaintiffs." She then looked at Ruby and Mulan and nodded at them as they brought the Charmings to the front.

Snow jerked her elbow away from Ruby, giving her former best friend a dark look while Mulan brought David next to Snow. They were not happy about being put in the hot seat. Being made to being brought like criminals before everyone.

Regina had a smug smile on her face as she looked at her nemesis and her husband. She was so glad to finally be able to put them where they belonged.

Emma smiled as she moved to the other door to the side and opened it. "Come in."

Maleficent and Lily came out and moved to stand where they were directed to stand. They looked at the Charmings and smirked at them.

Regina smiled knowingly at them as everyone gasped when they saw how Maleficent and her demon spawn dared to file a complaint against their beloved Charmings.

Emma stood with them and turned to look at the crowd. "SHUT UP!" She snarled at them. Instantly, the meeting room quieted down.

"Thank you dear." Regina smiled, giving her a look that was meant for her before she started. She looked at the Charmings. "You're both here because of certain crimes you've committed against Maleficent and her family…"

"They're monsters! Whatever Snow and David did… They did us all a favor!" Leroy interrupted rudely.

Emma marched over to Leroy and cuffed him. She pulled him to a bench and cuffed him there. "That's enough out of you dwarf. Open your mouth again and you'll lose your tongue." She then moved to stand with her mother and sister knowing she would have her turn to speak when the time was right. She smiled when Lily laced her arm through hers.

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