Chapter Fourteen: Meeting Cora

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After eating breakfast the next morning, Emma and Lily decided to leave a little earlier to open their new business with the Crimson Dragon Tattoo Parlor and the Sprayz N Skatez. They had decided to have their Grand Opening with an all day barbeque for everyone to enjoy, hoping to at least break the ice with the townspeople. Ingrid volunteered to help by serving frozen treats to them. Granny allowed Ruby to help out with them as being that Zelena wasn't a threat to anyone yet, and nobody knew who she really was, she'd also volunteered to help them, working side by side with Ruby. Maleficent worked in the back, barbecuing the meats being served. When Emma and Lily were on their breaks, they would grab something to eat and help their mother out with Barbecuing. Regina worked the Deli and Salad Bar while Henry alternated with helping his mother or hanging out and skating with his friends who were not as set in their ways as the other adults in town. The townspeople were attracted by the smell of the barbeque cooking. They couldn't stay away too long as they began to loosen up enough when they saw Ruby and this other beautiful harmless looking redhead was helping the others out.

Belle was the first customer to get her tattoo done by Emma. When some curious townspeople saw that Belle was getting a tattoo, tongues began to wag. They had never imagined someone as sweet and humble like Belle French would be getting a tattoo from the likes of someone who'd murdered her Rumple. That was how the rumors started. Someone mentioned something about how it was always the quiet ones. Another speculated that perhaps Belle had hired Emma to kill Rumplestiltskin for her. Yet another wondered if they were having an affair. The rumor mill was spinning as more and more people became curious about Emma and Belle.

Someone sneered and spoke up while Emma was still giving Belle her tattoo. "Does the Evil Queen know about you two being lovers? Did she approve of your affair while you hired Emma to kill Gold?"

Regina came in during her break and had heard the rumors going around. She'd heard what the man was asking them. She strode over to them and kissed Emma passionately before winking at Belle. She kissed Belle's cheek before she looked at the crowd around them. "Do you have a problem with that? Be glad Gold is gone. Don't forget, Em-ma is the new dark one. Aren't you very brave to be talking like that in front of her." She smirked darkly. "Or just very stupid."

Emma finished the tattoo on Belle and winked at the librarian before she stood up and looked at the man who spoke. "Happy isn't it?" She had a very dark look in her eyes. "Yes, I killed the little bastard and enjoyed it. If you're going to be making assumptions about what happened, get your facts straight. The Evil Queen as you like to call her, is MY wife. Belle is under our protection now. Yes, she's one of us now." She smirked, knowing she was adding fuel to the rumors, but she didn't care. She caressed Belle's cheek tenderly. "Go finish getting dressed, my sweet." She winked at Belle who was grinning as she held a towel to her front and ran to get her top on. Both Emma and Regina could hear Lily snickering through their connection. They were all getting a kick out of what was happening.

Emma smiled wickedly as she continued, "I know Belle will be my sister in law soon enough once my sister has her way with our pretty little Librarian. There's nothing you can do about it. Talk all you want shorty, she's ours now. She's family. Run along and tell your little friends. Bye-bye now." They chuckled when Happy scowled, looking very much like a Grumpy dwarf now as he pushed his way through the crowd as he left.

Ruby had seen the whole thing unfold as she moved through and smiled at Emma and Regina as Belle finally emerged, admiring her new tattoo.

Emma chuckled. "Here to get a new tattoo Rubes?"

The wolf girl grinned and nodded. "I sure am. You promised me a free tat after I volunteered to help out." She'd already picked out her tattoo earlier and was looking forward to getting it on her skin, done magically so her wolf side wouldn't try to heal her from getting a tattoo. She'd seen the tattoo Zelena received and had loved what she chose to get for her tattoo. She wanted a similar one but with a few alterations.

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