Chapter Eleven: The Wicked Witch of The West

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Belle sat back, curious about what Maleficent would have to share with her about what happened. She had no idea she was about to gain some new perspective on things soon. Maleficent made herself comfortable as Lily and Henry sat with them.

Emma looked over at Regina and pulled her aside. "We need to talk love. It's very important. As soon as I took all of Rumple's powers and memories, I found out what he had on Cora as well as you… And your sister, Zelena." She said softly.

Regina looked at Emma. "What do you mean? My sister?" She didn't recall anyone named Zelena. "Tell me."

Emma sighed. "You have an older sister that your mother abandoned. Let me show you…" She proceeded to use her powers to show Regina everything she knew about Zelena and how her older sister hated her and was planning to come and wreck her life all because of her jealousy of Regina. She showed her everything that Zelena believed to be true. She showed her everything Cora did when Zelena was born, even going so far to remove her heart and then how she brought Zelena back to save her life and how the girls became friends before finding out they were actually sisters and how much they loved each other. The lengths Cora went to in order to keep them apart and stealing their memories. By the time Emma finished showing her everything, Regina was furious at her mother.

"I need to bring my sister here before she takes this too far. Zelena has no idea what she's getting herself into. And right now, her thoughts are her worst enemy."

Emma nodded. "Alright, I'm coming with you. If she doesn't believe you, I will be able to prove it to her. You should be sisters in every sense of the word. Not pitted against each other as enemies. Besides, I need to make sure she doesn't try to harm you or our babies." She murmured as she kissed her wife deeply.

Regina snuggled against her, loving how it felt to have her arms around her like this. "And you too Em-ma. Don't forget, you're pregnant too love." She purred sensually.

Emma chuckled. "We will be just fine. The power of the tattoos we created before facing Rumple and Neal… Are permanent. Zelena will not be able to harm any of you. I just want to be there in case she tries something."

Regina nodded, "I know you do. If the roles were reversed, I'd want to do the same thing." She smiled. "Let's go see if we can find my sister. Clearly, she knows about me." She wanted to make sure they got to her in time and had the chance to talk some sense into her.

Emma smiled before looking at her mother and sister as well as Ingrid. "Regina and I need to go take care of things. We might be bringing another member of the family home with us if things go as well as we hope." She informed them.

"Alright, we will keep Belle amused with some stories. Don't worry, she's in safe hands." Maleficent chuckled knowingly.

"Be careful sis, love you." Lily smiled, hugging her sister.

"See you girls later." Ingrid smiled as she saw them off.

Regina took them to where there were portals to other kingdoms. "She should be in this land." She led Emma to the curtain which led to Oz. Emma looked at Regina and nodded. "Yes, let's go." They walked in together, hand in hand. Soon, they were transported into Oz. They located the witch's castle and appeared there in smoke and came face to face to an angry, green skinned, red haired woman.

"Who dares to trespass on my land? Oh it's you." Zelena glared at Regina. "Rumplestiltskin's little pet!"

Regina rolled her eyes at her sister. "Now I see who's green with envy, dear sister."

That got her attention. "You knew?! Of course you did. You had to have everything didn't you?!" She spat angrily.

Emma stepped forward. "That's enough!" She growled, her eyes flashing dangerously as they glowed. "You think you know everything, but you don't! Cora lied to you! She lied to the both of you."

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