Chapter Twelve: The Dragons Egg

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Morning came around and life was starting anew for everyone. Now that Rumplestiltskin and his son were no longer around and Emma was adjusting to being who she was, having been responsible for destroying the previous dark one. Belle was also going through an adjustment period of her own, getting to know Lily and Maleficent as well as this new side of Emma while getting used to the idea that Regina would no longer treat her like a prisoner. She was starting to forgive her and understand why she did what she did before. Zelena was also finding her place there in Storybrooke, learning that not everyone would treat her like an outcast. Regina and Emma and their family had already accepted Zelena into their lives and she was starting to feel incredibly protective of both Emma and Regina especially since they were both pregnant. She'd taken to start buying things for her future nieces or nephews. She'd also been spending more time with Henry and was now babysitting for him while Emma and Regina left to take care of things. She'd decided to take Henry to the diner for lunch.

Ruby smiled at the red headed woman when they came in and she already knew what Henry wanted. "What can I get you?" She checked her out. She could see that she was new to Storybrooke.

Henry grinned. "Hey Ruby." He greeted. "This is my Aunt Zelena."

Zelena chuckled at the question in the waitress' eyes. "I'm Regina's half sister. But yes, this is my nephew." She let her eyes look her up and down, taking notice of the way she was dressed.

Ruby smiled at her. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Ruby. People call me Red."

Zelena smirked, seeing the obvious bold red streak in her hair. "Alright Red." She then told her what she wanted to eat.

Regina and Emma were at the doctor's office getting ready to do an ultrasound and to find out what they were having. While they were there, Emma also made an appointment to have one done as well. Doctor Whale felt nervous seeing that Emma was now a dark one and Regina always made him nervous as well. He had not forgotten how they'd stormed up to the mayor's home demanding to make Regina pay for what she'd done as the Evil Queen. He just didn't trust the women that were occupying the examination room there.

Emma smirked at the man. She could smell his fear. "Just do your job and you won't have a problem with us. I'm watching you."

Doctor Whale trembled as he looked over at Regina before he called a nurse in. He was too scared to touch the Evil Queen. He nodded. "Alright, this is Mary. She will be taking care of you..."

Regina smirked at him, giving him a dark look. "Wonderful. Now get out." She almost laughed when Whale hightailed it out of there.

Mary was also nervous. "Um okay… I need to… For you to…" She whispered timidly.

Emma smirked and rolled her eyes, knowing what she wanted. She helped by lifting Regina's garment to expose her belly. She smiled at her wife and kissed it tenderly, telling the life growing there, how much she loved them. She smiled when she felt Regina put her fingers into her hair. She then kissed her wife. "Let's do this." She murmured as she took the gel from Mary and warmed it up before she squeezed some on her belly. She then took the device from Mary who was only too happy to give it to her and not having to worry about getting closer to the Evil Queen.

Mary pressed some buttons and turned the monitor so they could see what was going on. Soon, they heard some rapid heartbeats and as Emma moved the device, they could see what appeared to be two forms being protected by the shells of two eggs. "Looks like you're having girls."

Regina and Emma both gasped at the sight of their babies. They were absolutely smitten with their babies and had happy tears falling down their cheeks. "Look at our babies! Oh Emma!" Regina gushed.

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