Chapter Two: Part 2 The Reunion

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Emma smirked at Regina. "Did you want me to react badly to you being the Evil Queen? Well you'll be disappointed then." She chuckled. "A lot of our world has grown up listening to fairy tales. Of course kids grow up and stop believing in them. That's the way of life. People just don't believe in magic. Not the way they used to. They just don't want to. Ironically when I was growing up, if I displayed anything strange, they would freak out and get rid of me and simply bury what they witnessed, deep inside. They would much rather treat it as if it didn't happen. They did this out of fear that they would be locked up for being crazy. They chalked it all up to hallucinations gone wrong. Sometimes I used THAT to my advantage to get away with it. I could make them believe they were just having a bad dream. And I could make them forget what they saw." She grinned.

Regina was impressed. "You glamoured them into forgetting?"

Emma nodded. "Yes I did. It was a power that just came easily to me, like second nature."

"So why doesn't it bother you knowing who I am? What I am capable of?" Regina asked, very curious about Emma.

Emma chuckled again. "A lot of little boys and girls would want to play heroes or princesses. Not I. Nope, you would not see me in one of those silly little outfits. I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those things. I never really rooted for those characters. I always went for the villain types." She winked. "I mean that makes so much sense considering those pathetic heroes always tried to slay the dragons." She pointed out.

Regina had a wicked smile on her face when she heard what Emma said. "You've got a very wicked streak. I like that very much."

Emma smiled darkly. "Yeah, that's me. So, you said you have every fairy tale character trapped here, where is my mother?" She was very blunt. "Am I to assume younhave her trapped somewhere here?"

Regina sighed. "I do. Only for her own good. She wants revenge on several characters here. I'm not sure she would be able to handle this world well. Did you notice a barrier when you crossed into our town with our son?" She asked.

Emma nodded. "Yes I did. I could tell it was a spell to protect the people here and protect the world out there from you correct?"

"That's correct Emma. Some have tried to escape but in doing so, ended up lost for good. I think reason why you are able to come and go is because you grew up there right?" Regina asked. "Until we figure out how the curse works, it is not safe for anyone else to cross that line. But if you really want to see your mother, maybe you can talk some sense in her. She might still be mad at me for locking her under the library."

Emma nodded. "I'll see what I can do. I can't promise she will hear you out. But just in case, maybe I should go alone."

"Alright, I will take you to the library and you can go down by yourself. Just be careful. She's got a very nasty temper." Regina warned her.

Soon, they were at the library. It was still very dark outside and everyone was sleeping. Regina unlocked the door and led Emma inside to a secret entrance which was soon revealed to be an elevator. "You're on your own. Good luck Emma. I will wait here." Regina moved to sit in a chair nearby.

Emma got on the elevator and pushed a button that would take her down to the basement. She was looking forward to meeting her mother for the very first time. Soon the elevator stopped and the door opened. She stepped out and found herself in a huge cavern. It most definitely did not look like the standard basement at all. Of course, she mused to herself. It would have had to be big enough to hold a dragon. She moved forward, her eyes could see clearly her surroundings. She heard deep breathing. "Maleficent?" She asked gently as she took off her jacket. She let it fall to the floor to demonstrate that she was no threat at all.

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