Chapter Eight: The Tattoo's Place

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Ingrid smiled at Maleficent. "Oh yes I would. I've developed quite a fierce protectiveness over your daughter as if that video isn't proof enough, and I look forward to getting to know Lily as well." She whispered.

Maleficent chuckled, "Is that the only reason you're hanging out with me?" She smirked knowingly.

Lily elbowed her sister and nodded toward their mother with a smirk. She had seen how their mother and Ingrid were getting cozy with each other.

Emma looked at them and had a knowing smirk on her face. She then shared a smile with her wife. "I'm thinking we should show mom and Ingrid my tattoo parlor. We brought some equipment over and left them in the truck. I'm thinking we should have some pictures taken before we bring the equipment inside tomorrow."

"I think that's a great idea Emma. Maybe do a before and after photo shoot. I noticed you also had another camera and tripod and some sort of photography kit." Regina agreed.

Lily nodded, the wheels turning in her head. "That would be the perfect place for us to do a photo op and do one with mom too and then she could decide which photo to use to base her tattoo that she wants on."

Emma grinned. "That would be perfect! Photography happens to be another hobby of mine. We could also do family portraits so we have photos to put on our walls. I also have background drops we can use."

Maleficent perked up, having heard what they were discussing. "I would absolutely love to do this darlings. Show me your parlor."

Soon, they had moved inside the empty space and Emma turned in the lights. They could see how huge this space was. Emma grabbed a few supplies from the truck and Regina used her magic to bring Emma's camera equipment there. Lily went inside the back of the truck and saw tons of cool stuff inside. She decided to bring out a few stuff and helped her sister to set some of the equipment up. She found some cool wall art that Emma had in the storage and took out one that looked like a Crimson dragon.

"This is so awesome sis! You should use this as a logo for your business. It would be the perfect name for this place too." Lily was absolutely in love with the art. It looked almost exactly like what Emma looked like in her dragon form.

The others crowded around Lily and looked at the art that Emma drew of a crimson dragon. They all agreed with what Lily said.

"This will draw people to your business. It just grabs attention. I can imagine this in front outside." Regina nodded appreciatively.

"I have an idea!" Lily took that poster and moved it to the front window, putting it there as Regina used her magic to put up a sign that said it was opening soon.

Emma grinned, loving what they did. "Perfect! Thanks guys!" She finished placing the background drop and the lighting system and camera as well as seating and other props in place. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's start with our family portraits." She set the camera on timer and everyone posed as a family, Maleficent with her daughters first a few times, then Emma and Lily took several different poses, then Regina and Emma together then a few together with their son, then as a family with Lily and Maleficent. Emma surprised Ingrid by pulling her to do several shots with her and then she and Lily pushed Maleficent and Ingrid together to do a few photo shoots together. Afterwards, Emma shared a knowing smile with her sister and the two if them changed into dragons and posed for the camera, soon their mother did the same and joined them. It was Ingrid's first time seeing them as dragons. She couldn't get over how beautiful they were in their dragon forms. Emma did another with her and Regina and their son.

When Emma was done, she changed back to her human form and she took out her usb and then hooked it up to her laptop which was also wirelessly hooked up to a printer. They looked at the photos together, loving how well they had turned out. Emma had them all printed up and made several copies to give to her family.

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