Chapter Six: Granny's Diner & The Snow Queen

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Before they could go inside Granny's Diner, Henry ran out and hugged his moms. "You're back!"

Emma chuckled happily, "Yeah Kid, we are." She grinned as she kissed the top of her son's head. Regina got into the family hug, kissing Henry's head. "Did you eat yet?"

Henry shook his head. "No, we wanted to wait for you guys..." He then turned to see Lily watching their family time with a smile on her face. "Hi, I'm Henry. You must be my Aunt Lily." He smiled.

Lily grinned as she shared a look with Emma before she answered her nephew. "I sure am." She followed her family inside, noticing how everyone was watching them.

Regina smiled at her sister in law. "Ignore them, I do." She sat down at a corner table with Emma and Henry as Lily and Maleficent sat with them.

Ruby came and took their orders. She noticed there was another dragon in town. "Your sister?" She asked Emma.

"Yes, my twin sister." Emma smiled. Regina ordered a burger with fries and a side order of salad and a milk shake. Emma smiled as she ordered the same but without salad. Ruby nodded and left to get their orders to the cook.

Henry looked at his mom. "Mom? I thought you would order something else." He didn't recall ever seeing his mother eat a burger like that before. She was usually a fan of more finer food than a burger or fries.

Emma had a small smile on her face as her eyebrow rose with amusement.

"What are you trying to imply, Henry Daniel Mills?" Regina looked at their son.

"Um... Nothing. Just didn't expect you to order something like that with your usual salad." He shrugged, trying to say it made no difference.

Maleficent had a twinkle in her eyes as she looked at Emma and then back at Regina. She had her suspicions, but would not press the matter yet. She could tell that Emma had the same way of thinking.

Lily watched the interaction with interest. But she had something else on her mind. "So what is the deal with everyone in this town? I noticed them looking at us funny." She knew Regina had told her to ignore them, but she was too curious about the situation at hand.

Maleficent chuckled. "It's a heroes versus villains thing for them. They have this mindset about us being villains."

Regina smirked evilly then. "Before we came to get you, they all wanted to kill me, but when your mother came out... They wanted to run with their tails between their legs."

Lily was curious. "Why did they want to kill you? I mean I get that whole evil queen thing, but..."

"Because she cursed this town and brought everyone here from the Enchanted Forest and erased their memories so they had no idea who they really were until Emma came to town thanks to Henry and then Emma and Regina had their True Love's kiss, breaking the spell and everyone remembered who they were." Maleficent chuckled.

"They were pissed and wanted her blood. But I wouldn't let them touch her. And then Snow White showed up. She wanted Regina and Maleficent murdered. She called our mom a monster." Emma replied, her eyes dark.

Their food arrived and they dug in.

Regina sighed happily when she ate her food. "Emma really got into her face when that happened." She chuckled proudly. "She turned the tables around on them and they ran."

Lily grinned. "I would have loved to see that."

Emma chuckled. "I could show you later." She winked, remembering how their mother had showed her everything that Snow and Charming had done to them.

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