Chapter Seven: The Great News

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Emma woke up to the sound of Regina being sick in the bathroom. She quickly got up and moved to check in her wife. She found her kneeling on the bathroom floor with her head in the toilet. She moved to help her hold her hair out of the way. "I'm right here baby." She helped her until she got it out of her system. "You alright now?"

Regina stood up and nodded before she went to rinse her mouth out and brushed her teeth to get the taste out of her mouth. She turned to look at Emma. "I've never gotten sick before in my entire life."

Emma smiled at her wife. "Do you think you might be pregnant?"

Regina's eyes grew wide. "I don't think that is possible because a long time ago when I was forced to marry Snow White's father, I made a potion to prevent myself from producing a heir for that bastard…" Emma could see the wheels turning in her head.

"We've shared a True Love's kiss. Maybe that also broke that spell you put on yourself. I mean, you said yourself you've never been sick before until now." Emma pointed out. "Remember I have been through this before. It's possible you could be, you know. You do smell different."

Regina looked at Emma. "I smell?"

Emma chuckled. "Not like that. You have a certain scent in you that says you're pregnant." Emma stepped closer, putting her hand on her flat abdomen and caressing her there. She inhaled deeply, feeling intoxicated by her mate's scent.

Regina gasped, seeing the way Emma was touching her and looking at her. It was doing things to her. She thought about it and realized it was true. "We're having a baby?"

Emma smiled, "We are." She murmured sensually. "I love you my Queen." She kissed her passionately. "Let's take a shower together."

Regina smiled and nodded. "Yes, let's." They took a shower and showed each other how much they were in love, taking care to make sure every inch was given attention. They brought each other to climax before cleaning each other up.

A hour later, they finally made their way to the kitchen where Maleficent, Lily and Henry were getting ready to eat breakfast. Maleficent and Lily had a knowing smile on their faces as they looked at them. Emma smiled back at them and nodded knowingly. It was clear the three of them were communicating using telepathy. The other dragons had heard Regina get up that morning.

Maleficent looked very happy. "May I say congratulations?" Her eyes twinkled.

Lily grinned at the look of confusion on Henry's face as he looked up. "What's going on?"

Emma shared a look with Regina and saw she was blushing, not from embarrassment. She looked at their son and smiled. "How do you feel about being a big brother?"

Henry's eyes grew wide. "Which one of you is…"

Regina smiled. "I am. I never thought it could happen to me, but it has."

"But how? Who…" Henry was confused.

Emma smiled. "Me. I gave your mom a True Love's kiss and broke the spell she put on herself."

Henry smiled as he hugged his parents. "Awesome! I can't wait!" He was excited at the prospect of having a new brother or sister.

After they finished eating their breakfast, they talked about what happened at the bar the other night and what would need to be done. They discussed other changes that would take place. Emma then called her friend Shelley and made arrangements for her equipment to be sent there. Shelley would take over her other businesses in Boston. Emma and Lily would meet Shelley half way since she would not be able to find or enter Storybrooke. It was the only way to make this work.

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