Chapter Nine: Getting Tattoos

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"Do tell us what you have in mind darling." Maleficent was very curious.

Emma chuckled. "More tattoos. Using blood instead of ink." She suggested. "I may have to give Henry a tiny one too just to protect him. I would make sure its where others will not see it. We might need to do some bloodletting and then add our magic to it before we each have crimson tattoos representing our bond as family." She looked at her wife. "It's safe. I will not do anything to harm our children."

Maleficent nodded in agreement. "That would work. We would be aware of what's going on with each of us so whenever one of us is being threatened, we would be able to channel our powers together no matter wherever we go. That may be the only way we can leave this town and not be affected by other forces of magics being used against us."

Regina added. "Bound in a way that Rumple would not expect. He wouldn't be able to do anything to harm us without serious consequences. If you go, we will be with you no matter what. Let's do this baby." She kissed Emma.

"I still don't want you to go by yourself with him. Can't any of us go with you even with the tattoos?" Lily wanted to know. She just got her sister back and didn't want her to be involved with someone like Rumplestiltskin. She had a very bad feeling about the whole thing.

Emma looked at her sister and took a hold of her hand. "What I have in mind will essentially make sure you all will be with me without Rumple knowing about it. He can't touch me. He can't touch any of you. I will call him in the morning and see what he has to say before I can try to make other arrangements. After I find his son, and we get back... Believe me, he will be dealt with. We will also deal with the charmings and whoever else objects..." Emma smirked knowingly.

Lily grinned darkly. "I'm in sis, all the way. Let's do it tonight." She was amped up and wanted to do this before her sister would leave with Rumple. She wanted to make sure they had all of their bases covered.

Maleficent chuckled. "It's a good thing we will do this..."

Regina smiled sensually at her wife. "We'll use my vault. I have everything we need there for spellcasting."

Soon everyone was at the vault and Maleficent and Regina had mixed potions with some additional ideas to the spell that Emma gave, they came up with the perfect creation to use. After the potion was ready, Maleficent cut the palm of her hand, allowing her blood to drip freely into the mixture. Regina the same thing, adding her own blood as she watched Emma's face. She then beckoned to Emma. "It's your turn baby." She murmured.

Emma smiled as she allowed Regina to cut her palm. She kissed her wife as her blood dripped thickly into the potion. Henry was next. He moved to stand between his parents, allowing his brunette mother to cut his palm. He added his blood before Regina handed the dagger to Emma who in turn looked at Lily. "Come on sis." She smiled as her sister joined them. She cut her palm and looked over at Ingrid who was standing away from them, watching. Emma smiled. "You too. We're not leaving you behind. I want you to be a part of this too."

"But you're a family. I can't get in the way of that." Ingrid smiled.

Emma chuckled. "I think it's too late for that. My mother probably would agree." She shared a smile with Mal before looking back at Ingrid. "You said you wanted to adopt me a long time ago. Think of this as a way of sharing our blood. This is truly powerful stuff. You won't want to miss out on this one. We already consider you a part of our family."

Maleficent nodded and smiled at Ingrid. "You did tell me about how you knew about my daughter before you met her and became her foster mother. You told me Rumplestiltskin had plans for her. So think of this as a way to stick it to him." She chuckled knowingly.

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