Chapter Four: The Dragons vs the Charmings

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What happened to Snow White and Prince Charming's baby? Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin makes an appearance in this chapter. :) Where is Belle?

 :) Where is Belle?

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Maleficent was smiling proudly at Emma

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Maleficent was smiling proudly at Emma. She had managed to shut that Snow up and put her in her place. For now, the townspeople forgot about their plans to murder Regina and were now watching the scene with their beloved Snow White unfold.

"Snow?" The man's voice repeated as the crowd parted, creating a path to Mary Margaret. It was David, Prince Charming who had just awoken from his coma.

Mary Margaret gasped as she saw who it was. "Charming!" She ran into his arms and they kissed.

Emma had a dark look in her eyes as she realized who this man was. She shared a look with Regina and her mother. A glint in her eyes shone. She walked down towards the couple and stopped them. "So, this is your Charming? Glad you're awake now because we have some unfinished business to take care of."

"Who are you?" David asked, finally noticing her. He looked around at everyone who was gathered there and laid his eyes on Regina and Maleficent. Out of habit, he reached for his sword and noticed he had nothing to defend them with. "My sword?"

Emma chuckled. "Last I heard, you were in a coma. Did you think you would be sleeping with your sword at your side? It's been I believe, 28 years. I was asking your wife where your baby is."

David thought for a moment. "We put her in a portal. Why am I telling you this? Who are you? And why is the Evil Queen here with that dragon?" He looked very keen on protecting the people from the two great evils in their midst. He looked around and found a rake and brandished it like it were a sword that he could use.

Emma smirked as she grabbed the rake from him easily. She then moved to stand with her family. "You've been out of touch with the rest of this world for a long time. I'm Emma. Maleficent is my mother. Do you remember more now? Do you remember what you and your Snow did to Maleficent a long time ago?" She smiled evilly when David paled at the realization. "None of you will lay a hand on my family. Not unless you have a death wish."

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