Chapter Ten: The Death of a Dark One and A Birth of a New Dark One

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Emma glared at Neal as they stood up. "What the hell are you doing…" She was so angry and all the years since she last saw him was catching up to her. "You set me up! I went to prison because of you! You destroyed my life you motherf…" She wanted so bad to cuss him out, to make him hurt.

"Why are you here Emma? Shouldn't you be in Storybrooke right now?" Neal asked.

Emma scoffed. "What the hell do you know about Storybrooke? You…" Her jaw dropped as she realized something. "Neal isn't your name is it? What other lies have you told me? You played me the whole time. Pretended not to know me when you did. You knew exactly who I was." She growled.

Neal put his hands in his pockets. "It had to happen." He shrugged his shoulders. "It was the only way for you to become the Savior. So what if you went to prison. That's small potatoes compared to my life. Let me officially introduce myself to you. I'm Baelfire. You probably know who my father is." He smirked.

Emma gave him a cold look. "He's looking for you. He sent me to find you."

Neal shook his head. "I did what he asked me to do. He doesn't need me anymore. Can you tell him you lost me?"

Emma smirked darkly. "I'm not going to do you any favors. What exactly did you do for your father anyways?"

Neal saw that Emma was different. The tattoos she had were a dead giveaway. But he could see the darkness inside her and wondered where that came from. "He knew you were here before and told me to make friends with you, so I did and one thing led to another." He had a smug look on his face. "I just did what he asked even though you're a freak. He told me to keep it up even though I didn't enjoy it with you cause of your… You know. Then he sent someone to let me know my work was done. That I wasn't needed anymore. He told me to set you up so I did. It was very easy to do." It was clear he had no remorse for his actions.

Emma growled as she made a fist and knocked his lights out. She wanted to kill him but knew she needed to get him back with his father. Emma was stronger than this pathetic man. She lifted him up and carried him over her shoulder, moving quickly to get back to the others by taking the alleys.

Henry felt sick to his stomach and was glad his mother hit Neal. He already knew he hated him for what he put her through. He tried his best not to glare at Gold as well. But it was very hard for him. At least he knew the whole truth of what happened. He could feel his brunette mother holding him in her arms.

Regina was furious with the bastard and Rumplestiltskin for what happened with Emma and Henry. She knew the others back home was aware of what had happened, through their blood link. She wanted to hurt Neal and Rumple badly. She then saw Emma arrive with the bastard.

Emma unceremoniously dropped Neal at Gold's feet. "Found your bastard. Let's go home."

Gold stood his ground. "Wake him up. I take it he told you everything."

Emma glared at him. "He did. I'm done with your games. You lied to me and you lied to my son. I did my part of the deal. I owe you nothing else."

"You can't shut me out. You can't shut my son out. I know Henry is his son. He's blood to us. You can't get rid of us so easily." Gold sneered at her.

Henry looked at his grandfather with hate in his eyes. "Family don't go out of their way to hurt each other. He hurt my mom. You hurt my mom. He will never be my father and you will never be my family." He moved away from the men, feeling Emma holding him with Regina. He felt safe in their arms.

"You heard my son. Its time for us to head back and…" Before Emma could finish talking, Killian 'Hook' Jones arrived and struck his hook deep inside Gold. ""Finally got me a crocodile. I hope you die." He looked at Emma and smiled at her before he left.

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