Chapter Sixteen

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It was the following day and Emma's and Regina's families had decided to meet for breakfast at Granny's Diner. Ruby had made sure the tables were set up and reserved to accommodate their families. Granny had allowed Ruby to have some time with them. She'd called other waitresses to fill in for Ruby for the day. When they arrived there were others there who stopped talking the moment they walked into the diner. Naturally, the Charmings were already there. Snow's jaw dropped the moment she saw that Cora Mills was there with them. Regina had a smirk on her face when she saw this. Emma snickered as they walked past the Charmings. Cora looked at Snow and stopped at her table, looking down at her. "You'll catch flies dear. I hope you choke." She then looked at Charming and scoffed. "Of course you have your shepherd as a lapdog to do your bidding." She looked back at Snow and could see she looked a bit sick.

"Are you threatening us?" Mary Margaret glared at her former step grandmother. David stood up and stood between his wife and Cora. He was going to protect her.

"Stay away from her." David warned her.

She ignored the shepherd. "Oh, like you threatened Maleficent and her daughters?" Cora smirked. She had a smile of satisfaction on her face as the color went from the Charmings' faces at this.

Mary Margaret looked at everyone there, not liking it that Cora now knew what they had done in the past. "It isn't any of your business."

Lily stepped up and got into Snow's face. "I still haven't forgotten what you and your boy toy did to me, my sister, and our mother. I promise you, the day will come when you both will pay up. And it won't be long now. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. But by the end of this week, you're going down." She had a dark smile on her face as she took Belle's hand into her own and they moved to their table.

Zelena had a wicked smile on her face. "Sounds like you two did a number on my family. I just might have to get in line just so I can have my wicked fun too." She winked as she and Ruby also joined the others.

Ingrid spoke up then. "I will give you a little credit though. Had you not thrown Emma away, I wouldn't have met her and fostered her. At least thanks to you, I'm considered family to her and you hurt her and her family and that makes me want to hurt you." She reached over and got a hold of Snow's coffee. She chuckled as it turned to ice in her hand. "Just a little taste of what's coming your way."

Maleficent chuckled as she kissed Ingrid before looking at the Charmings. "You chose the wrong day to come here this morning. You have a lot of enemies. Maybe it's a good thing you know so now you know what to expect." She inhaled deeply and broke out into a wicked smile. "You're with child." She smirked when she saw how Snow put her hand protectively over her abdomen. "We'll be watching you very closely." She chuckled as they moved to the table.

Mary Margaret shivered, feeling very cold. She no longer felt safe. David wrapped his arms around her. "Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you or our baby. I promise."

Belle was watching the Charmings. Even though she now knew the whole story of what happened, a small part of her couldn't help but to feel sorry for Snow White. A very small part. At the same time, she didn't blame Lily for being hostile toward them. She couldn't help but to wonder if Snow even felt remorse for what she put Maleficent, Emma and Lily through.

Mary Margaret stood up. She looked over at the others, seeing that Ruby was sitting with them and so was Belle. She didn't understand why they would be involved with them. Especially Ruby. Belle on the other hand used to be with Rumplestiltskin who was also bad news and a villain. But she always thought Belle had a good head on her shoulders. She was sitting with Lily who had openly threatened her and she didn't know why. She had a determined look on her face and prepared to march over to them, but David stopped her.

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