~Fate Won't Let Us~ Gyutaro x GN! Reader

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This oneshot is requested by honey-bubble

There was once a small child who was walking around the Entertainment District and came across two figures, in which being Gyutaro and Ume (Daki).

"Hi! What's your name?" The child asked as a small reply could be heard "G-Gyutaro..." The young boy spoke, before his little sister also replied "Ume!"

The child smiled at them before replying "Well, my name's Y/N" and continued "Do you guys want to meet my mother?" The both of them didn't really had anywhere to go so they just agreed.

Once they arrived in a nice looking home, Y/N's mother came and hugged her child welcoming the two other children and making them as her own.

~Timeskip to when they grew older~

One day, the three teenagers talked about lovers and Gyutaro and Y/N blushed at the topic.

Soon enough, Y/N being the more extroverted one confessed about their feelings. "Gyutaro-Kun, I like you" They stated as Gyutaro became a blushing mess and accepted.

They dated for a while before an unfortunate event happened, that as in Y/N and their mother getting an incurable disease. Because of that disease, their mother and them died. Gyutaro was at the loss of words. He didn't expect that their beloved one would be gone so soon. Not only that, his sister got burned alive.

He was filled with sorrow. Not only did his parental figure and lover died, but his sibling did. After that event, someone came to him and gave him their blood turning, him and his sister into demons.

Finally finished this one, just a quick angsty oneshot, but I hope you'll enjoy it :)

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