~Deceit~ Tanjiro x Neko! Demon! GN! Reader

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This oneshot has been requested by osumaru_

An explanation before we begin, the reader is a demon with slit irises, not only that but their blood demon art is "neko". They can do everything a cat can and also can shape shift or look like a cat in terms of body parts. Meaning that, their "neko" blood demon art allows them to cut through anything with their "claws" if they are willing to do so.

"Meow" Tanjiro heard a cat meowing. "Eh? What was that?" Tanjiro asked as he stepped outside the Butterfly Mansion and saw a stray cat. "Ohh... a cat" He stated before putting his hand out as the cat sniffed it and licked it. "Meow" it said as it kept rubbing itself to Tanjiro's extended hand. "Hmm, you must be hungry" Tanjiro told the cat as he brough out some leftover udon (chopped up pieces of udon, because if it's too long and it's pretty thick the cat might choke) and gave it to the cat.

The cat devoured the whole thing as it happily licked Tanjiro, "Well good night kitty, I'll come back later". The cat meowed back before running away, as Tanjiro stepped back in and returned the dirty dishes. "Hmm....the cat had a weird scent" Tanjiro said to himself.

Days after days, the cat kept coming back for food. "EHHH?! Your back again?" Tanjiro said shock as the cat just kept meowing and happily swished it's tail. Tanjiro thought it was a bit suspicious but gave the cat a bit of food.

Turns out, the only reason the cat kept coming back was again was because they were now attracted to him.

One day, Tanjiro waited to see if the cat would came back but was greeted upon a half-cat human-like creature. "Tan-ji-ro?" They stated, "Yeah?" he wondered. "I'm Y/N, the cat..." Y/N stated shyly, "T-The cat?" the burgundy haired boy questioned. "I-I'm a demon, BUT DON'T WORRY I won't harm you or your friends" They stated before Tanjiro stated.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm thankful for you feeding me" They said before reaching to hug him, Tanjiro blushing and trying to comprehending what was currently happening.

"You're welcome" He told her, smiling.

"I'll come back again, I promise!" Y/N stated as they went back to their cat-like form running away.

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