I didn't take my meds today.
Two days ago Caitlin Adams asked if I was bipolar because I was into her on Monday but by Friday I had figured out that she was too demanding.
But those words, that question... it seeped into my soul and tarnished my tho...
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Rotten cabbages was the stench of Eli's shitty car, it churned my stomach and singed my nose hairs. He sang along to the early evening radio and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel off-beat.
"Windows don't work dude." He told Jamie.
"Okay guys, I got my dads old bike helmets but they're ancient, I doubt they'll protect you from anything." I checked out the dents and damages to the helmets and shrugged, not caring if they protected me or not.
I was two days off my medication, slipping slowly deeper and deeper into a manic episode. I could feel it coming but I still didn't want to take my meds because for the first few days everything felt normal, the intrusive thoughts were gone.
This time I was determined to hold onto that feeling, I wouldn't let this mind disease defeat me.
"Don't be a pussy Jay, come with us." Jamie laughed off my insult and shook his head.
"You know I cant, we got that emergency placed foster kid this morning and I need to go pretend like I give a shit."
"Girl or boy?" Eli asked.
"Girl, seventeen. Name's Fearne." I eyed up Elis tranquilizer gun. His mom was a vet at the exotic animal zoo. He stole it from the family safe. I smiled to myself, tonight was going to be epic.
"You pick a hot one?"
"We don't pick them out of a catalog Eli, she's alright. Ginger."
I laughed, "You douche bag." Eli took his hands off the wheel to slap my knee.
"Keep still!" He berated. "You never stop bouncing your knee up and down, it drives me crazy."
"How's Invisabelle?" I asked, quirking a brow at him.
"Fuck off Arlo! She's real, I never made her up." Jamie and I laughed knowing full well he made this girl up.
"Anyway, Fearne is off limits." Jamie muttered from the backseat. I swiveled in my chair to face him. "I'm putting that out there now. She's off limits so non of you jackasses go trying to fuck with her."
I smirked at him and he narrowed his cornflower-blue eyes at me. "I mean it Arlo."
He pointed his finger my way threateningly. "We all know what you're like with your flirting and random hookups."
I laughed, holding my hands up. "I solemnly swear I will not fuck or mess with your foster sister. Scouts honor."
"Why don't I trust you?" He asked.
"It's the smirk." Eli pointed out.
Jamie tried to open his car door, it was stuck. Eli chuckled to himself, knowing his car was a heap of shit and I sat back in my seat, sighing.
"You know what?" Jamie said, situating himself back inside the car and closing the door. "Fuck it, let's do this." I smiled really widely and turned volume up on the radio.
"Hell yeah! Let's do this!"
Eli drove to the soccer dome where my dad coached the kids soccer team, I spotted his car in the parking lot instantly. An SSC Tuatara in red, it was the fastest car in the world and he loved it more than he loved his wife and kids.
"Meet you at Garisons Gas Station." I grabbed the helmet and made my way to the car, using his spare key to unlock it.
I knew once I started the engine I'd have to move quickly because my dad would get alerted on his phone that vehicle was in motion.
We were going to race around the underground track, it was an old train line where people illegally raced their cars and bikes in violent battles. Bets were made, fights were had, cars were damaged. It was fun.
I sat opposite the gas station, waiting for Elis shitty car to catch up. It was at this moment I heard the first penetrating thought.
"There's a demon watching you." It told me.
I looked straight ahead at Garrisons, it had a floor to ceiling window and I could see a black shadow taunting me from inside.
Ignoring that, I suited myself up in Uncle Liams old bike Helmet, making sure everything was tight. When they finally parked up next to me I got out and grabbed the tranquilizer gun. The cops always showed up to these things, I was going to shoot them in booty, make them pass out so we could run.
"Ready guys?" I asked, climbing into the car.
I gripped my hands on the wheel and looked ahead, right through the window of Garrisons. There was something in there, something dark and moving. It looked at me, it wanted to kill me.
"Kill it." The voice in my head screamed.
I looked over at Elis car, he was starting up his engine, waiting to follow me onto the tracks but this thing, this demon it wouldn't go away.
"Kill it!" The voice got louder.
I hit my foot down on the gas and the car zoomed forward, crashing into the window in less than five seconds. "Fuckkkk!" I shouted as I jolted forward.
The car forcefully came to a stop on it's own, throwing me back into my seat. I sat in the middle of the gas station, shelves of confectionery falling all around me and customers startled but unhurt.
I climbed out, crunching glass beneath my feet. The demon had disappeared, all that was left was crowds gathering behind the broken window. I saluted them as I walked past and the owner started shouting at me in a language I didn't understand.
"Oh my God!" Eli and Jamie came racing over to me.
"What the fuck happened?"
"Are you okay?" I took off the helmet and tossed it aside, smirking at them.
"Yeah, I still got this." I showed them the tranq gun and waited as the distant sirens got nearer.
"Arlo, you just drove through a fucking store window." Jamie spoke, checking me over with his eyes for injuries.
I laughed. "Yeah I did! It was so fucking cool!"
Two beefy officers came over to speak to the owner and then assessed the damage. I positioned my gun from afar and fired the first shot, hitting one officer. After a couple seconds of delay he dropped like a fly.
"Hey!" His partner shouted, finding us in the distance.