5. The Hospital

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Keigo's POV

The medics arrives and take me on a bed thing. Tohru really doesn't want to let go of me but she has to. I told Rumi to just bring her with me in the hospital. Rumi picks up Tohru and starts holding her trying to calm her down. Now she's crying even more because I left.

They walk me through to the ambulance but they can't get me inside because reporters and media are in the way. They start taking pictures of me as the medics shoo them out of the way put me in and drive away to the hospital.

At the hospital

They pass me through to a room ignoring everyone else in the waiting room that might have worse injuries. But yeah ok whatever. They place me down and they walk away with a few nurses coming in to check things seeing what to do.

After all the procedures

They put me through surgery to fix my arm and they put on stitches for my arm. I get a cast put on my arm. And on my leg they x-rayed and I just have a fraction. They also wrap my leg and put a cast on for less serious breaks. I'm not allowed to patrol for 1 month. But I'm sure I'll be doing it before then, Endeavor isn't supposed to right now either.

I sit on the hospital bed. I get to go home in 2 hours because I have everything done already. The door swings open and Rumi bursts through the door with Tohru running towards me and hugging me. I hug back.

"Why did you ask me to bring her here? We always put the people we save to the police." She asks me.

"She was alone, I couldn't do that." I say. She climbs up the bed and lays down with me.

"But- wait a minute. Are you doing this because you want a kid?" Rumi asks sitting down.

"Yeah, Is it weird that I really want to adopt her?" I ask smiling.

"Wait your serious, you want to adopt this little girl?" Rumi asks. She pokes Tohru. "You know this isn't something you can take back, you gotta stick with this, thing, forever" She tells me.

"I know, I just want to take care of something and I always wanted kids" I say.

"Then get a god damn dog, why did you never tell me you wanted kids?" Rumi asks.

"I don't know we never talked about it," I say.

"Well you can't just go ahead and do this without talking to Touya about it" Rumi tells me.

"I don't know if he'll yes though," I say.

"If he actually loves you he'll say yes to you" Rumi says "and then you can start a family together and be all happy and gay" She teases.

"Fine what about you, Don't you want to start a big gay happy family with Fuyumi?" I ask her jokingly.

"Cállate la boca! (Shut the fuck up)'' she hit my arm.

"Ahaha owww" I laugh and cry (internally) at the same time.


Words: 520

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