9. Aunties

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Keigo's POV

"WHAT'S UP LOSERS" Fuyumi yells as she walks in with Rumi following her with a bunch of bags of clothes and other things. Tohru hugs Touya scared by the loud noise.

"Fuyumi!'' Rei says.

"I'm sorry, I keep forgetting." Fuyumi said. Rumi puts the bags on the counter. I look over to Touya and he has no clue what he's doing but he's trying. "Hello, Touya, Shoto," She sits down next to Shoto. I get up and walk over to Rumi at the counter.

"Sooo what'd you get?" I ask.

"Great question" she says. "We got clothes," she pulled out some clothes. "Hygiene materials" She pulled out shampoos and different things. "Child protection things" she pulled out plugs and rubber things. "These fucking plastic utensils and plates and shit" She pulled that fucking shit out. "We were going to get her toys but we don't what she likes, but we do have these old toys that used to be those 4's" she motions towards the Todoroki's that are there. "We also got like children's books and posters and fucking education things and... aw fuck there's more but I forgot" she finishes and rubs her eyes.

"Damn ok then that's a lot" I said and look through the bags.

"So we gonna have to put this away right?" Rumi says.

"Yeah sure I'll help" I said.

Touya's POV

Fuyumi sits down and Keigo walks away. Tohru loosens her grip on me. "Hi, Yumi" Tohru says and waves.

"Hello" Yumi waves back. "So I'm assuming you two are..." she waits for me to finish.

"Yes" I say to her.

"Yay, I'm an auntie now" Fuyumi excitingly says.

"Did anyone tell Natsuo?" Shoto asks.

"No" Mama says.

"We should tell him." I say.

"We? You should,'' Fuyumi says "it's your kid"

"Well not right now he has classes" Mom says. "Fuyumi did you tell your father?"

"No I did not" I forgot that this means Endeavor will see her as well. He'll be apart of her life. I guess it's okay but I don't want him to hurt her.

"Keigo, Rumi, Did you tell Enji?" Mom asks.

"No" they both say from the room their setting up.

"Well someone has to" Mom says. "I know you don't like him but that doesn't mena he shouldn't know" Mom lectures me.

"Me? I like just found out. I guess, I kinda agree with you. I just don't trust him" I say. She sighs.

"Okay that's good enough" She says.

"Hey Rei, I can tell him" Keigo says walking over behind her.

"Great, while you do that, Tell your family too" Rei says.

"Hm, No♡" Keigo says and walks away.

"How did he not die?" Shoto says amazed.

Keigo's POV

I lay down on the bed in the room. Rumi is on the ground folding clothes and putting them in drawers. "I have to tell Enji" I tell her.

"Did Rei tell you?" Rumi asks. I scroll though my phone to find his contact.

"Nah I offered" I clicked on his contact and pressed the call button. He answered. "Wassup Flamer"

''How many times-" he takes a deep breath "what do you want? Did you hurt yourself again? Idiot" He says.

"Ok 1st of all, we both know that I am way more smarter than you" I say. "Secondly, I adopted a child and I just thought I'd let you know"

"What?!" He says loudly. "I mean that's great,''

"I just thought I'd let you know since your the grandfather" I say.

''Can I see them?" He asks.

"Umm, I don't know maybe later, Rei is here after all" I say.

"Oh ok, um who else knows?"

"Fuyumi, Rei, Rumi, Shoto, and obviously Touya, I don't think Natsuo knows yet." Does he know, I don't think he does.

"I guess I'll see them later then"

"Yup, bye"

"Bye" he hangs up.

"It go good?" Rumi asks.


"Can you get Tohru? We need to change her into some new clothes" Rumi asks.

"Yeah sure." I get up and go over to couch. "Tohru you got to change." I say she jumps off Touya's lap and walks with me.

"Did you tell him?" Rei asks. I stop.

"Yeah" I tell her.

"Did you tell your dad?" Rei asks.


"I can" Touya says with a smirk "I mean it's only fair"

"Fine" I say to tired to fucking care. I think the pain medication just kicked in.

Touya's POV

I walk away from my family while they go into their conversation. I call Keigo's dad, Shinyo. After a few rings he picks up.

"Hey, Touya, What's up" Shunyo said through the phone.

"Um, I was just going to tell you that me and Keigo have decided to adopt a child" I said.

"REALLY?! YES! Finally! Can I see?" He asks.

"Sure, but my family is here as well, just letting you know" I say.

"That's great, wait not your dad though right"

"Oh no definitely not, eh gross"

"Ok good I'll be over soon" he hangs up. He does live quite far away but he has wings and he flys fucking fast. Not as fast as Keigo but still pretty fucking fast. I walk back over to the couch.

"He's gonna come over" I say.

"Great" mom replies. As I sit down Rumi comes out with Tohru.

"Look at how great she looks" Fuyumi said.

Outfit reference because I'm to lazy to actually explain it.

"Yeah! She looks amazing" I say

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"Yeah! She looks amazing" I say. Tohru comes over and sits down next to us. Rumi walks over to the kitchen, making iced coffee.

"Tohru, did you pick that out yourself or did Auntie Rumi do it for you?" Shoto asks. I feel like Rumi would never do that. I mean I haven't known her long but I think she would let someone wear whatever they want. I'm pretty sure she strongly believes in that.

"I pick it" Tohru says.

"Good job" mom says.


I'm stopping this chapter there because I got writers block.

Words: 1008

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