13. Data

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Keigo's POV

Endeavor was giving me a piggyback ride up, we got to the door and walked in. "Hello" Rei said. "They're in your room if you wanna know"

"Thanks, but probably not" I said.

"Why not?" Enji asked me.

"Because I forgot to tell Touya" I said.

"He's gonna be so excited when you do" Rumi said. "Stain's like his idol"

"Trust me, I know" I said, the amount of times he has fanboyed for Stain is just ridiculous.

"So where is the info that you got" Enji asks. I wonder when Rei and he made up. I look around the room, I think I put it in my room. I send a feather over to recover it. I pat Enji to put me down. When he does I sit at the kitchen table while my feather hands my laptop to me.

"Thank you" I say. while I sign in and pull up the data up.

"You didn't think that one through did you?" Rumi says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You said- you know what forget I said anything" she said. She sits on one side of me and Enji sits on the other side. Rei sits across from me. They look at the laptop reading through it.

"Holy shit he is" Rumi says.

"Oh yeah, that's what your doing" Rei said while sipping her tea.

"You already knew?" Enji asked.

"Yeah, he told me first" she says.

"Oh yeah, and there's more" I said. I pulled up the report of Tohru's mom being abusive and shit.

"Aw, poor Tohru" Rumi said while reading it. Enji seemed to feel bad as well.

"Hey," Touya said walking out our bedroom. He looked annoyed as Tohru walked in front of him. She ran up to me. I quickly put the screen down, not closing it but putting it down enough for she couldn't see.

"Hi!" She said to me and sat on my lap.

"Hi!" I said back. I pass the laptop over to Enji.

"What are you doing?" She asks curiously.

".... work?" I say. Technically true, Technically. I mean my 'boss' who by the way isn't my boss because I'm independent, but he did tell me to do this.

"Oh, Can I see?" She asks.

"No..." I said. She seemed upset and disappointed.

"Mm, okay" She sighed. I feel bed now even though I know she will feel a million times worst if I show her. Touya glares at me from behind his mom. I take the laptop from Enji.

"Fine, you can see but it's pretty boring though" I say.

"What? No!" Rumi says. "Are you crazy?" She probably thinks I'm gonna show her pictures of her mom. I almost lifted up the screen but then put it back down.

"Cover her eyes for a second" I say to Rumi. She does that to Tohru. I open it up, scrolling past the pictures going to where it's just words and statements. She can't read.

"Why?" She asks trying to pull Rumi's hand off her face. I shoo Rumi's hand away with my now available arm. She looks at the screen.

"See its boring, just words" I said trying to make seem unappealing.

"Mm, yeah, boring" she said getting off my lap and going to Touya. He picks her up and goes to the kitchen to get food for her, Rei following.

"So where were we?" I ask, even though I know exactly where we were.

30 minutes later

We were now done reading through the entire document. Rumi waved goodbye because she has patrol. Enji looks through the document again. I already sent all data to All Might so he can look through it all he wants.

"Do you want me to just send it to you? Don't you have to go to work?" I sak him. Tohru and Touya are still in the kitchen making lunch... and dessert, because I'm pretty sure Touya wants to make an excuse for him and Tohru to stay away from Enji with making it look like that.

"But- ugh, fine I guess I have shit to do" He said, probably disappointed that he couldn't properly meet his granddaughter.

"I'm sure you can next time" I say to him. He sighs and gets up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Touya asks. "We're almost done" he refers to Tohru and his cookies. "Don't be a jackass" he says. Aww he's trying. Like I told him to.

"Oh ok, I'll stay then" Enji says sitting down again. I nudge him and smile. He surprisingly smiles back, which is kinda weird. You don't really see that often, from him.

"Hi! Who are you?" Tohru says walking up to us. I think they just need to wait for them to get out the oven so they can put in another batch. Touya stays in the kitchen, he may be trying but this isn't a miracle.

"He's your grandfather" I say beacsue Enji didn't know how to respond to that.

"Your on fire" she says to him.

"Yeah, that's my quirk" He said.

"Really? That's so cool" she said in response.

"Well your dad also has it just a little different" Enji said. She looks at me in amaze.

"Not me, other one" I said. She instead looks at Touya, she runs up to him.

"FIRE, FIRE!" She smiles at him. He, who was not listening to the conversation at all, looks very confused.

"She wants you to her your quirk" I say.

"Ooohh, that's makes way more sense" He says and leans down and enlights a blue flame.

"Wow" she says in amazement. He starts to form the flame into a flower. She gasps. "Can I touch it?" She asks.

"No" he laughs out and stops the flame pulling his arm away. She sighs and walks over to Rei.

"What about you?" She asks Rei. Rei makes snowflakes with her hand. "Wow, what is it? Ice?" She asks.

"Yeah, that's what's it's called, I guess" She says in response. Tohru runs up to me.

"What about you?" She asks. Uh only like 15 of my feathers grew back. I forgot that she has never seen me with wings.

"Well, my quirk is not really working that much right now" I say. I move one of my feathers from the inside of my hoodie to the outside poking her on the nose. She grabs it.

"What?" She asks confused. Enji shows her a picture of what I usually look like with wings. "Wow, you have wings, like a chicken" Enji and Touya start bursting out laughing.

"I'm so glad.... I was... recording that" Touya laughs out, falling to the ground.


After that, Keigo posted it because you know he's a celebrity.

Words: 1129

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