kamado tanjiro;

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someone was calling for him.

her voice was sweet and gentle, a feeling of nostalgia washed over him, even though he has never heard her voice before.

"are you okay?" the voice asked with concern.

he slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the brightness of the sun that was glaring down at him from above.

the sky was a beautiful clear blue with a mixture of pink and purple. the soft breeze blowing pass his frame along with the sound of leaves rustling against each other brought a sense of relief to him.

why was he here?

slowly pushing himself up into a sitting position, he came face to face with an unfamiliar girl.

letting out a surprised gasp, the young boy leaned back a little.

"oh, uhm! i'm sorry!" he quickly apologised.

"what for?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

not knowing what to say, the boy stayed silent. instead, he looked around, taking in his new surroundings.

"where am i?" he asked, turning back to the girl seated in front of him.

"you're in my garden," she simply replied.

"how did i get here?"

"i would like to know that too," she gave him a small smile. "you were out cold when i found you here. are you okay?"

"i feel fine, though i don't think i'm suppose to be here..." he muttered under his breath.


"i was in the middle of somet—" his head started throbbing as the memories came flooding back all at once.

uppermoon six.

that's right. he had just finished fighting against uppermoon six.

looking around once more, he tried to figure out how he ended up here.

"what's wrong?" the girl asked.

"i'm sorry, i'm just really confused right now..."

another strong breeze blew pass them, causing a shiver to go down his spine.

"would you like to come in and have some tea?" the girl offered, pushing herself off the ground.

"i don't want to disturb you any further—"

"it's completely fine! i don't mind at all," she smiled, "it's not everyday someone shows up here." bending down a little, she offered him her hand.

she was such a genuine person, that he couldn't help but trust her.


"i see, so you're a demon slayer and you had just defeated upper moon six along with your friends. you passed out and somehow ended up here, am i right?" she asked the boy who was now sitting opposite of her.

"yes, i should be with them right now, not here," he explained.

"hmm," she let out a soft hum. "may i get your name?"

"oh right! my name is kamado tanjiro, it's a pleasure to meet you!" he exclaimed, giving her a slight bow.

"that's a really nice name, i'm [y/n], it's really nice to meet you too! is it okay if i call you tanjiro?"

"of course, i don't mind at all!"

tilting her head to the side, she seem to be focusing on something.

"tanjiro-san, you've got a very interesting birthmark over there," she stated.

"birthmark?" he repeated, placing a hand on his forehead. "oh! that's not a birthmark, it's a scar i got when i was younger," he explained.

"really?" [y/n] asked, "that's strange, i once knew someone who had the same scar as you, at the exact same spot too."

"what a huge coincidence, what was their name?"

"uhm..." the girl went silent for a while, trying to remember her friends' name.

"i'm sorry, i can't seem to remember. it's been so long since i last saw him," she sighed.

"ah! no no! it's okay! i was just curious, it's no big deal!"

"mmm, i can't believe i forgot his name though," she mumbled. "i'll tell you when i remember it," she stated.

"anyway, are you hungry?" she asked.

"i'm more tired than hungry," tanjiro said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh i see, would you like to get some sleep then?"

"that'd be nice."

[y/n] showed him to a room, "this is my room, i hope you don't mind."

"it's really fine, this is more than enough, thank you so much," tanjiro gave her a slight bow.

"i'll go make some food so you have something to eat when you wake up, is there anything you don't like?"

"nope, i'm fine with anything!"

"alright then, good night tanjiro-san."


after leaving tanjiro alone to sleep, [y/n] spent the next hour searching for a book.

"i found it!" she exclaimed with a huge smile on her face as she held onto the photo album.

"now what was your name again..." she said to herself, flipping through the pages of her book where she had pictures and drawings of her and the people she once called 'friends'.

the sight of a familiar scar caught her attention.

"there you are!" she brought the book closer to her face, trying to read the fading ink.

"uhm... tsugiku... yochi..." she read out loud. "oh that's right! it's yoriichi-san!"

closing the book, she made her way to the room where tanjiro was sleeping in, for some reason, she was excited to tell him about it.

but when she opened the door and peeked her head into the room, the boy was no longer there.


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now