the end;

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"stop!" the kakushi yelled as he watched muzan raise an arm to kill the demon slayer in front of him.

dance of the fire god, shining ray of grace.

a burning sensation could be felt from where his arm had just been sliced off.

"tanjiro..." the wounded girl cried as he handed her over to a kakushi. "yeah, sorry for being late."

"take care of her." his voice was void of emotions as he spoke.

the boy forced himself to stand and face the demon in front of him.

"would you look at that? you look repulsive." muzan cringed at the sight of him. "who's the demon now? i have no idea, kamado tanjiro."

now that he was back, tanjiro could feel the overwhelming pain from all of his injuries. however, none of them hurt as much as his heart did.

"let's put an end to this. muzan."


sat alone on her bed, in the darkness of her room, the girl waited.

she waited like she said she would.

but it was not tanjiro she was waiting for.

for years, she has been complaining about being stuck here. she spent most of her time trying to get out of this place. running away did not work. falling asleep did not work and no matter how many times she tried, the backdoor refused to open for her.

at some point, she even attempted suicide. but that did not work either. no matter what she did, she always woke up in the same place.

she hated this place.

she really did.

so, what is this feeling?

her heart felt so heavy, as if it was trying to weigh her down to prevent her from leaving.

no. she has to move on. she needs to. it has been far too long. too many people have died because of muzan. they have to kill him so the world can finally rest. so she can finally rest.

"stop it," she scolded herself. "you knew this was going to happen."

her heart started to ache. perhaps this was its way of arguing.

snatching the pillow behind her, she hugged it to her chest before curling herself up into a ball.

"i want to see him again." she was met with the sound of her own sobs.

"i'll see you later."

"you're a terrible liar."

but then again, so was she.


"i want to go home," the boy mumbled.

nearing the climax of the battle. the progenitor of demons was successful in turning tanjiro into one. however, the boy refused to become what muzan was. he did not want to become a monster.

"please, gods. let me go home." unlike the girl in his dreams, tanjiro was still alive. the gods will listen, and if they were kind enough, perhaps they would let the tired boy return back to his loved ones.

they were all waiting for him.

"what's the point of going home?" muzan glared down at the boy. although he had been defeated, if tanjiro accepted his fate and became a demon, he would be able to carry out muzan's will.

the boy will not give in so easily.

"stop doing such pointless things," muzan spat out in irritation. "they all hate you. nobody wants you to go back. nobody will forgive you even if you do."

the boy had to go back. he had to see [y/n] again. she must be waiting for him like she said she would. he still had so much to say to her.

"quiet. you're going to succeed my will." muzan seethed, silently cursing his dead sister.

"don't be ridiculous. that girl is a liar, she's not going to be there. she's already gone!"

but she promised...

"tanjiro! don't you know that you were chosen by a god to carry this out?!" muzan yelled, getting desperate. "you can do it... you can become a perfect... a supreme being!"

i don't want that.


i want to go back.

"tanjiro!" muzan's voice was further away, struggling to reach him.


"he's back! he's awake!" a kakushi cried out as the boy regained consciousness.

tears spilled from his eyes as he was greeted by his sister and friends.

"all those wounds you gave us are nothing!" the boar headed boy cried.

"i will spend the rest of my life forcing you to atone for this..." zenitsu added. "and for my wife's sake too..."

tanjiro was exhausted, but even then, he managed to smile.

he thought about the girl waiting for him. she was still crying when he left her back there.


do you hear that, [y/n]?

it's finally over.

you don't have to cry anymore.


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now