jealousy jealousy;

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the boy slowly blink his eyes open as he felt tears streaming down his face.

a dream? was that a dream?

he couldn't help but feel a little upset that he had woken up from that sweet dream. he wanted to stay a little longer with that girl. what was her name again?


the sound of glass breaking alerted him that he wasn't alone.

"are you okay..?" a soft voice asked.

"after the fight ended, you didn't regain consciousness for two whole months," kanao placed herself next to him, tears in her eyes as she spoke again. "i'm so glad you're awake."

footsteps neared the room as a kakushi made his way in, "uhh i brought some castella over."

" much..." tanjiro rasped out.

at the sound of his voice, the kakushi panicked. "he woke up?! why aren't you screaming???" tossing the tray of food aside the man violently shook his head, "you're an utter air head!" he yelled. "you're suppose to call someone when he regains consciousness! everyone is worried sick about him!" the kakushi slammed the door opened and proceeded to share the new information with everyone.

soon the room was filled with people who were all relieved that he had finally woken up.

after they updated him on what he had missed in the two months, he started feeling sleepy again and couldn't help but slip back into an unconscious state.


the [h/c] hair girl let out a sigh as she took another bite out of the onigiri she had made.

"i'm so full," she groaned, staring at the half eaten onigiri in her hand. this was the fourth one. and there were six more left on the plate in front of her.

she definitely made a little too much, but that was because some of them were for tanjiro. but he wasn't here anymore.

he disappeared. just like everyone else.

letting out another sigh, she forced herself to finish it.

"oh! you made onigiri!"

her eyes widened in surprise at the familiar voice.

"tanjiro-san!" she greeted him with a huge smile. "you're back!"

"yeah somehow," he replied, taking a seat in front of her. she had a very pretty smile.

"mmm, salted salmon?" he hummed.

"does it taste okay?"

"it tastes great," he smiled, taking another bite out of his onigiri.

"thank god, by the way, how's everything?" she asked.


"well, i assume you went back since you disappeared just now."

"oh! nothing much happened actually, most of my injuries are better now, i'm just really tired," tanjiro explained.

"that's good!"

"[y/n], may i know where we are right now?"

"that's a good question," she replied, "i would tell you if i knew, but i really don't. why do you ask?"

"oh well, apperently i was unconscious for two whole months, but it only felt like i've been here for a few hours. which was really strange."

"that's normal, for me at least," she shrugged, "well i mean, most of the time people come here and i don't ever see them again, that's why i was pretty surprised when you came back."

"they don't come back?" tanjiro asked with a concerned expression.

"oh! no no!" [y/n] waved her hands around, realising how bad that sounded. "it's a good thing that they don't come back!"

"it... is?? so if i'm here now—?" he asked with a frown.

"oh no, i mean— oh god..." she shook her head, "i'm so sorry, that's not what i meant..."

"uhm, it's fine, i guess?" tanjiro gave her a nervous smile, taking another onigiri from the plate.

"like, there are some times where people do come back, but it's pretty rare, it's not an entirely bad thing, just... unusual," she explained.

"then, are you here all the time?" tanjiro asked.

"unfortunately, but it's not too bad, except for the part where it gets very boring since i'm always alone."

"i see," tanjiro nodded, "then let's hope i come here more often!"

"w-what?" surprised at what the boy had just said, she couldn't help the faint blush that appeared on her face.

"really?" was what she wanted to ask. but he said it with such sincerity that she knew it was true. how sweet.

"tanjiro-san, you're such a nice person, thank you," she gave him a small smile. "but it's really fine, i'm just glad that i got to meet you!" just like everyone else.

"i'm glad i got to meet you too," he replied. "but, i think i should go back now, the timing is pretty messy, i don't want to be gone for too long," tanjiro explained.

"oh, of course! follow me," she lead him out of the living room and down a hallway.

at the end of the hallway was a single door. "do i open it?" tanjiro asked with uncertainty.

"yup, it'll bring you back."

"but i didn't use this door the last time i went back," tanjiro added.

"well there are two ways of going back, you either fall asleep here or walk through this door," she explained.

"oh i see! this is all so strange to me," he sighed, "well i'll be going now, thank you for the onigiri today, they tasted really good, i really liked them!"

such simple words, yet they made her heart race. shaking her head, she blamed it on the lack of human interactions over the years.

saying their last goodbyes, she watched as he disappeared for the second time today.

the envy of watching people come and go. oh how she wanted to leave too. the only thing preventing her from doing so was none other than him — the main reason why she was also stuck here — kibutsuji muzan.


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