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"thank you so much!!" tanjiro gave the kakushi a slight bow as he thanked him for bringing him to the swordsmith village.

somewhere in the forest surrounding the village, a certain pillar had heard his voice. "oh? i heard an echo saying thank you," she hummed. "did someone come over? i feel my heart pounding here."


"that's amazing!"

"you really think so? i didn't eat much today though!" the love pillar exclaimed with a blush on her face as dozens of empty bowls are stacked nicely in front of her.

"i'm gonna eat a lot and get strong too!" tanjiro announced, finishing his own bowl of rice.

the two spent the rest of the day together, conversing about anything and everything as they wondered around the village. before they knew it, the sun had began to set.

"kanroji-sama, your sword will be done very soon, we would like you to come to the workshop so we can make our final touches," a kakushi had arrived to pick mitsuri up.

"aww, looks like i have to go now," the love pillar frowned. "tanjiro-kun. i don't really know if we'll be able to see each other alive next time, but let's just do what we can, okay?"


"it's all your fault."

"get out of our sight."

"you should just stab yourself to death with that worthless blade of yours."

it was insults after insults. and the man did nothing but stayed silent as he listened to them.

he had taken responsibility for everything that had went wrong. they were right. it was all his fault. none of it would have happened if he had just—

"yoriichi-san," a voice had interrupted his thoughts.

snapping back to reality, he turned to the girl standing next to him.

"i don't think it's your fault at all, yoriichi-san. you did everything you could," she continued. "i think you're very cool!"

looking down at the smiling girl, he couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"[y/n], i—"

"ouch!" she yelped as she was forced awake. "it huuuurts..." she whined, grabbing onto her throbbing head. the poor girl had fallen off her bed again.

the door to her room slide open as she heard a familiar voice, "are you okay?!"


"that was embarrassing..." she rubbed the back of her head.

"i'm glad you're okay though," tanjiro sighed.

he had arrived not too long ago, when he didn't see [y/n] anywhere, he assumed she was asleep in her own room. not wanting to disturb her, he waited in the living room. but the sudden loud thud he heard from her room had genuinely frightened him.

"i'm so sorry for worrying you like that," she frantically apologised, burying her face in her hands, "let's never talk about that ever again."

"that's fine, i've actually been wanting to ask you a question."

"oh, ask away!"

"the man you mentioned a few days ago, the one who had a similar mark, if you have his name or a picture can i—"

"oh right! right!" [y/n] exclaimed as she remembered the old book she had found. "i have his picture and name, i'll be right back!" scurrying up to her feet, she ran into her room and came running back out within a few seconds.

"here you go!" she eagerly handed him the book.

"wow, this book looks really old," tanjiro stated as he noticed how the book had many stains on it and how the pages inside had turned yellow. not wanting to tear it by accident, he gently flipped the book open, and right on the first page was a name written in capital letters.


"tsugukuni yoriichi!" the girl read out loud. "sorry, the ink is coming off a little."

"is that him?" tanjiro asked, pointing to the fading sketch of a man.

"yup! he looks cool right?"

"woah, you're pretty good at drawing, it actually looks like him," tanjiro complimented.

"r-really? well i mean, i don't know, i could've missed a few details, my memory is pretty bad..."

"do you do this for everyone?"

"not really, it's only for the people who means a lot to me— oh right! i want a picture with you too so i can add on!" she ran back into her room, searching for the old camera she had.

"alright, alright!" she took a seat next to tanjiro. holding a peace sign up with one hand while she held the camera with the other. "cheese!" the pair smiled as a click was heard from the camera.

"wah! i got it! i got it!" she exclaimed in excitement as she ran back into her room with the camera.

tanjiro couldn't help but smile at how vibrant she was. shaking his head, he looked back down at the book. out of curiosity, he started flipping through the pages.

surprise was an understatement. he couldn't believe what he was seeing. in the second page of the book were two very familiar people.


why does she know them? how did she know them? two dead kids.

"okay! i'm back!" her sudden voice had startled him as he slammed the book shut.

"hm? are you okay? what's wrong?" [y/n] asked, walking over to take a seat next to him.

"i-it's nothing! sorry," he muttered, returning the book to her.

"uhm, [y/n], i know i've asked this before but, do you really not know why you're here?"

"hm? i'm sorry, but i really don't."

"you have no memory of how you got here?"


"how long have you been here?"

"what's up with the questions?" she laughed.

"oh i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to ask so many i was just curious," he apologised. "i feel like i don't know you at all, and i really want to get to know you better."

"that's really sweet, tanjiro. but i'm afraid it won't happen. i don't  remember anything at all," she sighed, shaking her head. "all i remember is waking up here one day and that's it. i'm sorry."

"oh no, that's totally fine! i don't mind at all!"

"i know, but i do feel kind of bad," she frowned.

"it's really okay," tanjiro reassured her.

"well, i'll go keep the book now, be right back!" she said as she disappeared back into her room.

tanjiro has a strong sense of smell. it allows him to perceive things outside the normal range of perception, like the intentions, thoughts and feelings of others.

with that being said, tanjiro had noticed something while he was having that short conversation with [y/n].

everything she had said just now, was a complete lie.


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now