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white fog escaped from her lips with every breath she let out. the prickly feeling of the grass against her bare foot and slight pain she felt when she accidentally steps on small pebbles made her want to stop running, but stopping would mean death. no, she didn't want to die.





a sharp gasp left her lips as she felt cold hands grazing against the back of her neck. she was then forcefully yanked back by her collar.

"wait-!" she reached behind her, grasping onto the man's wrist in a weak attempt to free herself.

"i've had it with you," he spat, releasing her collar, he gripped her by the hair, forcing her to look at him. "is it that hard to listen to me?"

unable to say anything, she quickly shook her head. swallowing the lump in her throat as she squeezed her eyes shut, preventing the tears from escaping. she knew he didn't like it when she cried, it only ticked him off even more.

"you were doing so well," the man continued with a disappointment look on his face. "it's all because of him, isn't it?" the young girl winced as he tightened his grip on her [h/c] locks.

"what lies did that man feed you, hm?" he chuckled softly. "did you really think he was going to help you? knowing you, you probably believed every single thing he said. you pathetic thing, look at where that got you. truly disappointing..."

a single tear escaped, slipping down her cheeks and onto the cold hard ground. "don't cry." his stern voice said. opening her eyes again, she forced herself to look at him. "you did this to yourself, what are you crying about?"

"but... you-"

"i what?" he interrupted. "are you going to blame me again, [y/n]?"

she remained silent.

"are you ever going to admit that this happened because of you?" the man asked. "all you've ever did was run and hide, did you really think you could do this forever?"

oh how she wished she could.

"if you had just listened to me," he continued, "maybe you could've lived a little longer."

her eyes widened as she held her breath. was he going to kill her? no, she didn't want to die. the thought of dying scared her.

"you either become a demon, or die right now."

her mind went blank at his words. her chest started aching, as if a hand had wrapped itself around her heart, squeezing it in its tight grasp. with every breath she took, it got harder to breathe.

what makes a person want to live? their family? friends? loved ones? something simple like their favourite food. or wanting to see how their favourite shows or books are going to end. perhaps they're waiting for someone? waiting for something to happen? not wanting to die because they have things to look forward to in their everyday lives. something to keep them going. it's there. everybody has something until it's gone.

what about her? what did she have? yoriichi. the only person that seem to genuinely care about her. the only person that willingly helped her. their friendship was what she had. looking forward to spend her day with him. her reason for wanting to live? it was obviously-

oh, right. what a painful realisation.

nothing. she had absolutely nothing.


death. what an awful thing.

𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now