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tanjiro woke up with tears streaming down his face. confused at first as he wiped them away. he soon recalled the conversation he was having with [y/n] not too long ago.

she had told him everything. from as early as she could remember to the night her brother killed her.

her brother. kibutsuji muzan.

tanjiro didn't think it was possible to hate someone this much. because of him, [y/n] couldn't live a proper life, and even after death, she could not rest.

how cruel. the boy thought as he sat alone in bed, processing everything that had happened in his dreams.

"i didn't want to tell you because i was afraid you might hate me," the girl explained, tears threatening to spill. "you're the only person i have now, i didn't want to lose you too..." [y/n] was aware that she was being selfish, but the thought of her one and only friend leaving her forever hurt a lot.

"what happened wasn't your fault [y/n], you have to know that," tanjiro felt his heart aching for the girl in front of him as he spoke. "and i could never hate you. you mean too much to me."


"ah! did i say that out loud..!?" the flustered boy covered his mouth with his hands as he tried to recall what he had said.

"who the hell are you talking to??" a voice questioned him in the dark.

tanjiro stilled, slowly turning his head to the right where the voice had spoken from. his eyes widened when he saw the boy sitting in the bed next to his.

"inosuke!" tanjiro gasped. he had completely forgotten that he was sharing this room with his two friends.

he quickly turned to his left to check if his other friend was also awake, but to his relief, the yellow head was fast asleep.

"i'm sorry, did i wake you up?" tanjiro returned his attention to inosuke. it was night time and the room was pretty dark, so he could not see the expression on his friends' face.

"no, i was already awake," inosuke replied. "but seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?" he pointed a finger at tanjiro, "you were crying in your sleep and then you woke up and sat up in the dark and started talking to yourself!?"

tanjiro realised how concerning that must have looked. "er, no no," the boy frantically waved his hands around, trying to come up with an excuse. "i was just thinking out loud!"

"who the hell does that? are you stupid?"

tanjiro cringed at how loud his friend was being. "shhh, you're going to wake zenitsu up..."

inosuke ignored his words and continued speaking in a loud voice, "what were you even crying about?"

"i-it's nothing... just a bad dream..." even though he couldn't see inosuke's face in the darkness, he knew his answer did not satisfy him.

should i tell him? tanjiro wondered. he stared at inosuke, who was staring back at him in silence.




"i was talking to this girl in my dreams," tanjiro was the one who broke the silence.


"she said something sad, and it made me sad, so i cried," he continued.

inosuke stayed silent, and tanjiro wondered if he even understood what he had just said. with a sigh, he shook his head lightly, "never min-"

"what girl?" inosuke asked, sounding genuinely curious. which was weird because inosuke rarely cared about anything apart from himself.

"uhm, i don't know. i met her in my dreams, her name is-" tanjiro cut himself off. for some reason, he didn't feel like telling inosuke what this girl's name is. despite getting to know her better, the only thing tanjiro had of her whenever he woke up was her name. and if he was the only one who knew her name, then he wanted it to stay that way.

"so? you met some girl in your dreams and now you're talking to yourself?"

"not some girl, she's my friend," tanjiro corrected.

"are you stupid?!" inosuke asked. "you met that girl in your dreams!"


"that means she's not real, you moron!"

"of course she is! she existed in this world, just not anymore..."

"gross! so, like, she's dead? you're dreaming about a dead girl? weirdo."

"no! that's not-!" actually, now that he's thinking about it. that is exactly what it is. he has been talking to a dead girl in his dreams.

tanjiro shook his head, "never mind. forget it..."

"crying over a dead girl who isn't even real is stupid. you're stupid," inosuke shrugged before flopping down onto his bed.

tanjiro stared at his friends' back as he continued to sit in silence.

it's not just a dream. "she's real," he mumbled to nobody in particular. [y/n] is real. right?


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now