the start;

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from the moment tanjiro was woken up by the sound of his crow's panicked voice, an uneasy feeling had clung onto him like a piece of wet clothing.

something had happened to the head of the ubuyashiki family.

running in front of him was the water pillar, tomioka giyuu. tanjiro was not the only person heading towards the ubuyashiki estate.

what's going on? what are the pillars doing here? why-

a loud explosion sliced through the night air, startling every person heading in its direction.

the gruesome smell of burning blood and flesh greeted tanjiro's nose in an instant.

not too far away, the stone pillar was first to arrive at the scene.

"himejima-san!" a female demon, by the name tamayo, called out to the pillar. "do it,please!"

without hesitation, the stone pillar swung his weapon towards his target. the flail smashed into the demon's head with enough force to rip it off its body as it splattered into small bloody pieces.

not giving the pillar another chance to land a second hit, the demon regenerated its head, turning to the pillar with a vicious glare.

"you bitch!" an angered voice boomed as the wind pillar came into view. "what the fuck did you do to oyakata-sama?!"

"oyakata-sama!" the love pillar, along with the serpent pillar made their entrance.

"it's muzan!" gyomei announced. "this guy won't die even if you cut his head off!"

the remaining pillars finally arrived, horrified expressions on their faces as they took in the scene before them. the demon in front of them...

"kibutsuji muzan!" and as his eyes met the demon's, the boy with the hanafuda earrings felt his body start to tremble. not from fear, but anger.

an unsettling smile appeared on the demon's face, completely unbothered by the fact that he was surrounded. before any of the demon slayers got the chance to attack him, the floor beneath them opened up.

"you seriously thought you could corner me?" the demon bared its fangs. "you're all going to hell now."

and as tanjiro fell through the hole in the ground, he managed out a few words. "you're the one going to hell!" memories of what muzan did to his family resurfaced in his mind at that moment. "you're not getting away." and for a split second, an image of [y/n] crying popped up in his head. "i'll defeat you for sure!"

turning to give the boy one last glance before he disappeared out of sight, the demon replied in a challenging tone. "come and get me if you can. kamado tanjiro."


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now